Slice Of The Day

Tracer Bullet suggested today’s slice, claiming “If yo bitch ass don’t be puttin’ my wife Gabrielle Union up, I’ll cuts yo throat and piss on yo’ grave, sucka!” I quickly reminded him that he was not only half-white, but all suburbanite. He wanted to respond, but then he went off on some tangeant about how accurate his pissin’ skills were when he was drunk and then fell into the fetal position. So I figure he’ll be happy when he wakes up to find Gabrielle Union as slice of the day.

Gabrielle Union

Is it just me, or is it wrong for a grown man to have a Scott Bakula fetish?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. arrrghwhy is it that never lets me view any pics? it’s just a bunch of animated gifs of a chimp shaking his head.

  2. hmma few people have that problem. ill have to look into that. i think its overuse of an IP address, but im not sure. Thats supposed to be the no-hotlinking pic.

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