Spread The Damn Love Like Peanut Butter

I don’t want to detract from FaaQ’s grand post below, but I just love this picture.

At least he can spell.

If he’s just joking, I’d like to give him a firm handshake. If he’s serious, I’d like to give him a hug… with an iron maiden.

** Edit: Seems that it is indeed a joke. Here’s a couple of other signs that these guys used to mock protesters. Thanks to LJS for makin’ me look twice for the answers.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. SecondlyI think this personifies the stereotypical peace protestor. \”It’s not our business! I’m not dying, so I don’t think I should pay for a war!\” Fuckin idiots.

  2. It’s a jokeHe is mocking the \”peace\” protestors. He also had signs that said: \”Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism, and communism war has never solved anything\” and \”Communism has only killed 100 million people let’s give it another chance\”

  3. Uh?\”Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism, and communism war has never solved anything\” Sort of besides the point, but since it seems common practice to mock the protestors for peace and praise the ones who support war, how exactly did war end communism? I probably missed that, but my history classes taught me the following:-Russia lost in Korea (communism exists)-America lost in Vietnam (communism still exists)-Russia lost in Cuba (not even a war, but communism still exists)-Russia lost in Afghanistan (communism still exists)-Russia breaks apart due to politics, but not due to war, it still stops being communistic.-China is still communist and so is Cuba and North-Korea. I agree that war ended facism in Italy and Nazism in Germany, it may have halted Communism from advancing across Europe, but war never ended communism.If the general idea is to bash people who support peace for sounding stupid, then those who support war shouldn’t try and sound stupid either…It’s a detail, but heck, everybody seems to point out the details with the peace supports anyway.As a last note: I’m neutral whether there should be war or not, but I’m realistic enough to say it’ll be war in Iraq before 2003 ends.

  4. Uhhh… About CommunismMDE,Those countries that you listed are not practicing true Communism. If you really wanted to be detailed and technical you should have thought of that. The Cold War did end Communism (more like Socialist Dictatorship) in Russia. They are now a struggling Democracy in a sense. Also, the above mentioned countries aren’t doing so hot either with the exception of China. Even still, China trades openly with an open market in a Capitalist sense with others which is the farthest thing from Communism as you can get. Even China realises that Communism isn’t all that great yet still cling to old ways just to appease the older people in that country. The younger generations of China have a different vision of China than their parents or grandparents did and Communism isn’t part of their vision.What it all boils down to is that there is not any country that has really practiced Communism as it should be practiced. The closest group coming to that from of government (I like at as more of a way of life but maybe that’s just me) or system were the Native Americans. Some argue though that that was more along the signs of Non-Violent Anarchy. In a sense it was. The tribes supported themselves and relied on the common good for all yet still allowed their people to have some freedoms. They had leaders and what not but everything seemed to work without a sense of class envy or political wrangling. They all worked together and tried to survive by everyone pitching in and doing their share no matter how low their position or what tasks they did.Just my 2¢

  5. umm ….This might just be me being a pessimist, but I think you might just be hearing what people like to think of the Native Americans as doing. I’m sure that, being people, there was always some kind of political wrangling, because even Native Americans love power. Sorry to rain on your parade, but people are like that, even people you only hear about from stories and TV.

  6. …Read up on what Christopher Columbus did to the natives in the West Indies, how the natives acted in their day-to-day lives, and then how they were taken advantage of because of it.

  7. wellWhilst the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union… umm… its not really a *war* per se is it? I mean, if posturing enough to get Saddam to step down volentarily is war, then no one would be against it, ya? Dig?

  8. wowthose are the most ignorant mother fuckers i have ever seen in my life. number one, no one is arguing that saddam isnt a bad guy.number two, there hasn’t ever been a truly communist country for us to put an end to…and even some of the ones that claimed to be communist still exist (china, cuba, etc)war hasnt gotten rid of nazism. what the fuck? there are a bunch of fucking nazi’s all around the united states for christ’s sake.

  9. Re: wowI have not seen a level of ignorace perry has displayed since watching the brain-terminal.com video.First off, perry, if you go and watch that video here, http://brain-terminal.com/articles/video/peace-protest.html, you will see real life examples of people arguing Saddam IS NOT a \”bad guy\”.Second, refer to Tim’s post for a rebuttle to your second point, as it sums up pretty well what I would have said.Lastly, your comment on Nazism shows your utter lack of room to call people ignorant. If you equate the small amount of underground neo-nazi groups currently in America to the horror that was sweeping across Europe in the 1940s, which you obviously are doing, then you have no idea what you are talking about.

  10. actually …perry, what makes you think anyone is talking about a truly pure communist country? because while I agree that in principle, communism isn’t necessarily wrong, I agree that in practice it leads to dictatorship and autocracy, whereas capitalism, the best system in the real world, leads to individual choices. also, while I hate to argue against a full MoFo, the amount of Naziism in America today vs. the amount of Naziism in Germany c. 1930 is a pathetic amount. Naziism today in America is like people who think that Ted Turner is the antichrist. Technically, it’s enough of a minority that it rounds to zero, but it still makes headlines. So honestly perry, look at the facts first.

  11. i thinkyou think im retarded. im not suggesting that naziism today in america is what it was in nazi germany in the 1930’s, im not fucking retarded, but that sign said war ENDED NAZIISM. that would mean that there is no one left in the world who thinks naziism is right. unfortunately, thats not the case.also, communism is communism. what i said actually agrees with what pancho said. war hasnt ended communism because there hasnt been a fully communist nation. communism always has this negative connotation, but if it worked, it would be pretty effective. im not a communist, but i dont think that communism is necessarily a bad thing. whats bad is that it DOES in fact lead to dictatorships, etc.

  12. umPerry, ever hear about this thing called a joke. It usually hints at the truth, not always 100% factual. Its supposed to make you laugh. If you analyze it to death it become completely unfunny. Yeah, that is that sign you are complaining about.Sure China is communist and that should have been excluded. Sure Nazism isn’t completely killed either. Hell, latin isn’t even a dead language b/c there must be hundreds of people around the world still speaking it. Get my point?

  13. yeah…but he’s mocking something that i do. im not letting that shit slide without trying to defend myself a little. christ.

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