And there lies the truth of the matter. Martin Sheen and the rest of his intellectually vapid anti-war morons club (AKA Most of Hollywood) are once again on the wrong side of the issue. Whats more amazing then how factually incorrect and disjointed and ignorant their arguments are is just how utterly transparent their motive is. This isnt protesting about peace nor is it an opposition to war, its only an attack at the Bush administration.
Where were the cries of protest when we went into Bosnia, or Somalia, or Hati, or Yugoslavia? I didnt see them marching when we were lobbing bombs into aspirin factories, or bombing Iraq in 1998. Why wasnt Martin Sheen and Jenean Garalfalwhatthefuck pimping their faces all over the networks begging us to give peace a chance? Why no retarded slogans for Boy Clinton? And why does the media give these clowns free reign to spew their opinions to the public. Just you or I try to get on any of the three networks to give your opinion, cover your ears the laughter can be loud.
Its not enough that they refuse to listen to any valid points, that they cant get their facts straight, that they use horridly inaccurate and skewed sources, and that they would rather side a tyrannical dictator who has massacred thousands of people then a GASP Republican. Hollywood is showing its true colors, and showing what they really stand for. Their message is clearly the wrong one.
Will someone explain to me what it is that drives movie stars into thinking their opinions are valued at all by anyone who doesnt seem to get their daily news input from E! or Entertainment Tonight? In the history of American conflicts with other nations, some movie star has always come forward to make a total ass of themselves without fail. From Hanoi Jane to now Baghdad Sean, the Hollywood know-it-alls have not disappointed us with their knee-jerk statements or their petty fifty thousand dollar ads.
When our military forces are getting ready to open a can of whoop-ass to protect our interests and rid the world of some psychotic asshole like Saddam Hussein, it never fails to bring out the clowns from Hollywood with serious and dour looks on their faces.
Whats equally more apparent is when they open their mouths anyone with the ability to spell TV can tell that when their roles are unscripted (unlike in front of a teleprompter), they appear pathetically out of their league. Easily persuaded by emotional pleas without the use of logic or even basic common sense, time and time again they fall right into the hands of crafty propagandists, who exploit their ignorance for their own gains. Sean Penns recent trip to Iraq proves this without a shadow of a doubt. He was so easily led and used by the Iraqis that it was painful to watch. We dont even need to address the exploits of the likes of Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, that ugly cunt Barbara Striestand, and other wannabee politicos.
What you are seeing are the actions of sore losers. Their boy Gore didnt get elected, even after they all came out against Bush during the Presidental race. Surprise Surprise that Alec Baldwin, or that fat fucking retarded asshole Rob meathead Reiner didnt move to France after the election. Are you fucking kidding? Do these people ever keep their word. I for one will not be seeing any movie or providing any financial support to anything attached to these people. Fuck them, fuck them in the ass with a basball bat covered in rusty nails. PS. Go sign yet another stupid fucking internet petition that will be ignored and means virtually nothing but servers for entertainment value.
doot dootowned.
Here here!Amen.
Broken LinkFYI the link to the petition is brokenCelebrities have no place to interject their opinions, ecspecially as the role models they are. Some ignorant house wife/bitch will probably listen to whatever her childhood fantasy tells her. Luckily, idiots such as house wives have no real power. Representatives are luckily more educated than they’ll ever be. Luckily the president doesn’t give a shit. Some kind of conflict is going to happen. If it fails, the celebrities get more popular in an I-Told-You-So fashion. If it succeeds, the celebrities just shut their mouths and do it again later. In the end it really doesn’t matter what this dumbfucks say.
Roger Fucking ThatPreach on brother FaaQ, that is one of the best comments on the entire \”Hollywod Political Society\” I have ever read. It wouldn’t surprise me if most of these retards are scientologists and the aliens told them to love Democrats. Someone should tell them that they need to celebrate DEMOCRACY not DEMOCRATS, I don’t think they know there is a difference.
BlahThis IS Amerikkka, and supposedly everyone is entitled to their opinion, and yeah, I do agree that some people should shut the fuck up, but even if they sound like an ass, be glad that they’re blabbing, because when we don’t have that right anymore, people are going to wish that they’d hear some sort of outcry without being shot.
Thanks for the genius of FaaQSince when did badassmofo become a mouthpiece for conservative idiots with no political background at all? Even actors have had more political discussion than this FaaQ idiot. It sad to see how far down in quality badassmofo is now compared to a year ago. Be ashamed, you half-wit loser.
How typical, dangergoatBOY\”Since when did badassmofo become a mouthpiece for conservative idiots with no political background at all? Even actors have had more political discussion than this FaaQ idiot. It sad to see how far down in quality badassmofo is now compared to a year ago. Be ashamed, you half-wit loser.\”Behold, the tolerance and open-mindedness of the left in all its objective glory!This is Not or or
Wow, more genius!I would have never thought that someone could see through my ruse so easily and make me the source of derision so eloquently! Congratulations to you, sir! Now if you can pull your head out of your ass for a second, let’s clear up a few points. Is it out yet? Ok, let’s begin. I never stated that I was a liberal. If anything, I have views from both sides of the spectrum. I am simply against FaaQ’s insipid aggression against actors for having opinions on a matter of grave importance to the United States, as well as the entire world. I am not a big fan of actors, but pidgeon-holing them all into the realm of idiots is something more suited for, well, someone like FaaQ who writes poorly and has yet to rouse any sort of humor in his posts.
And the typical attackingof those they don’t agree with continues. :goyou:Do you not see what you are doing here? Think about it. You’re doing the same thing FaaQ is yet acting like he’s wrong and you’re right. I think I’ve got it now. Having a different opinion than your’s = BAD.
Bless you FaaQThis argument could go many ways with both sides pointing fingers at each other for way too many differing conflicts of interest. Its hard to pinpoint exactly what to say and how to address it but you just did it. Whenever a liberal voices their opinions on tv, theyre heroes. Whenever a conservative voices their opinion, they are suddenly labeled as nazi’s. Im not one hundred percent right wing but I am far from the left.This is ridiculous. True everyone has the right to freedom of speech. I wouldnt in anyway do anything to change that. But im pretty sure that when the founders of our country decided on that, they were’nt expecting Anti-America slogans and false political jargon. So before anyone jumps to any conclusions about conservatives being tyrannical in their opinions and decisions, lets get one fact straight. Saddam is a madman. If you \”people\” want to sit around and wait for him to fuck over anyone else, THEN BE MY FUCKING GUEST! As for me im going to do my damndest to make sure that he or anyone else like him dosent invade MY COUNTRY, MY FREEDOM, and MY LIFE!
Indeed…I whole-heartedly agree with FaaQ. Preach on…
…God Bless our Pre-emptive style of foreign policy…. Reminds me of Germany, circa 1939. They saw the EVIL in all of Europe, and decided to do something about it! Its refreshing to see that Ideology (sp?) back in the world today.While we’re at it, can we just annex Canada? I KNOW those somabitches are up to something and damnit, we can NOT just sit around and wait for those bastards to do something!God *sniff*, I love my leader…
DangerGoat, you’re giving real leftists a bad name.It’s one thing to disagree with someone but you are taking it to a whole other level. Look, I’m on the left and it’s people on my side that act like Sheen, fonda, etc. that are giving FaaQ fuel for his fire. A lot of conservatives are using these idiots to their advantage and the scary part is that it’s working to their advantage. I don’t see how us true leftists are supposed to get our voice out when idiots on our side are screaming above the logical part. I see nothing but bad times ahead of the left if we contimue to allow these twits to be our spokespeople. As much as it pains me to say it, FaaQ is dead on. What’s even worese are those that come here and bitch about it thus proving his points. Way to go, DangerGoat.
such funNice lil read there Faaq.I signed the petition, just cut and copy the link in the url, take out the lil black marks, and get rid of the bamf url that’s before it.Free Iraq! Kill Saddam!
Another idiot chimes in. Brilliant.Will you psudeoliberals stop it already! I would like to get a Democrat in the White House again someday and comparing Bush to Hitler or rhe US to Germany circa 1939 isn’t gonna get the job done. Good God. What the hell happened to the left? If we are going to beat the conservatives anytime in the near future we have got to base our arguments in logic rather than rhetoric. ghting fire with fire only makes the fire bigger.
Re: FaaQ, are you in the military? Or are you only willing to ask others to die on your behalf?
DangerGoatFirst, let me say thank you to FaaQ for stating, well, the obvious. Thank you FaaQ. Second, let me start by suggesting that Sharkey strip you of your title, and ban your ass from this site for eternity. But I digress. Let me tell you something pal: actors are actors because they are idiots. For fuck’s sake, their job is to pretend. These are people who have either received no higher education, or if they did, they were theatre majors. Now, I’m certainly not putting down the arts here – the arts are fine and fucking dandy – but any of you mofos out there who are in college, or went to college, know what theatre majors are: idiots (not complete idiots, but dumb fucks politically speaking). So, why is it that these politically retarded, raging assholes are always the ones who speak up? I’ll tell you why. Because asshats like DangerGoat listen to them. And you know what the saddest part is folks? I’ll tell you the answer to that one too. There are tons of fucktards just like DangerGoat all over America listening too. As for getting rid of these catcocks, I leave the solution up to you.P.S. May I suggest Malthion-X. Just a thought.
Are you?What about you, Lefty McPinko? Are you willing to stand up for America?
Its that thinking…That lost the Dems the Senate… Now perhaps you are a democrat, I am not, I just realize that this will be the first pre-emptive war we have been involved with… EVER, and I’m not exactly of the belief that we should be going down that slippery slope… That my friend is called using logic to determine an opinion. What happens now if another country uses this as a precedent to launch an attack on a smaller neighbor? China and Taiwan come to mind here…We are setting a dangerous precedent here, I’m not against removing an aggressor from power, but launching a precedent setting pre-emptive attack on a sovereign nation has NEVER been our foreign policy for good reasons.I’m sorry if you think I’m bad for the left, I don’t give a rats ass, I’m not a registered democrat, but the spine they showed in the last election leads me to believe they have no interest in running this country anyway…
Good job Left McPinkoSling that rhetoric! That’s the only way we’ll ever get one of our kind in the White House. [/sarcasm] Our side is doomed.
You’re wrong DewsCoolWe didn’t attempt the kind of thinking I’m suggesting the left use. I’ll tell you what lost us the Senate; We had a memorial service and turned into a political fiasco, we let actors be our voices, we allow students to remain stupid on the facts and let the right virtually annihilate them. We need a Kennedy, a Roosevelt, another Truman. Democrats with cojones. Not snivelling little whinny brats. Acting like idiots is what cost us the mid-term elections. And it will continue to happen as long as idiots out shout the true Democrats.
DewsCoolOh boy, not again with this pansy. I honestly do not know how to answer your post, I mean, even Steale, a lefty himself, disagreed with your nonsense. I just have one thing to say to you bleeding heart liberals: If you let your heart bleed too much, you might just bleed to death.
Mr Pinko: RE: FaaQActually FaaQ was in the military, and did fight on our behalf. He’s got some fun stories about getting shot at on behalf of ingrates like yourself.
FinallySharkey speaks. *Everyone laughs at Pinko*
Minn maybe…That lost you Minnesota. You lost Missouri, AND every damn battle ground state because you just sat back and agreed with the damn president on everything…Alienated the Democratic core (which would stay home on election day if it freakin rained…), and gave in to the \”patriotic\” movement, ie DubYa spending tax payer dollars flying around the country campaigning for republicans in every battleground state telling them Dems were against Homeland Security because (Oh no!) the dems wanted the workers of the dept to be protected under the Workers Rights act… Just so ya know, they had NO spine then, and don’t seem to be getting any now.
FututorHey buddy! That all yer gonna say? đ
Buddy?Need I say more?
DewsCool. You’re a lost cause I guess.You’re absolutely right. Kennedy had no spine. he allowed the Russians to build Missile Silos on Cuba and sided with his cabinet and started a preemptive Nuclear exchange against Russia. It’s a wonder I’m even typing this because of Kennedy having no spine and the US being a wasteland. Good God Dews! Crack open a history book and look at what good the Democrats used to do rather than comparing Bush to Hitler, saying Republicans are evil, etc. etc. And that rally in Minnesota lost us more than just that state. The backlash was nation wide. I’m in Oklahoma and people here said they were voting based on that rally. You had said earlier that you aren’t even registered to vote. SHUT THE FUCK UP THEN!!! You have no right to complain if you’re willing to sit idly by and do nothing but bitch and moan about the current administration. Even if you are too young to vote you could get out and still do something to change things. I’m hoping you’re simply too young to vote. Your apathy to vote yet constant bitching is a bit tiring and typical.
where?on the count of…\”Where were the cries of protest when we went into Bosnia, or Somalia, or Hati, or Yugoslavia\”i might say that a full scale invasion of iraq is in a completely different ball park than any of those 4 (combined even) which is why you probably didnt hear any big outcry.
Actually. . .He never said that he’s not registered to vote, just that he’s not a registered democrat. You DO realize that not all states require you to be registered under a party, right?
Good on ya!Yeah, God bless GW Bush. Ain’t he a tough one? He stands up for democracy and human rights. He fights for it. Being the president he has a Godlike status; allknowing and infallible…And the US Oil industry wouldn’t dare to influence foreign policy? Iraq’s large oil reserves wouldn’t tempt them to use some lobbying to gain access to these mountains of sweet, juicy cash? And besides, the US helped Saddam to power, just like the Taliban, so that they have the right to take him down again?North Korea can be talked out of it, i mean why occupy a country if you don’t get anything out of it? Sure the protection of UN resolutions in one thing, but definatly not as cool as oil.Who cares whether soldiers fight for someone’s wealth or for their country? Earth’s oil will only last for another 40 years, so it is necessary to kill your own soldiers to get to that. Families of KIAs can then say with pride: \”My son died for TEXACO\”, or who the hell ever, \”He truly served his country well\”.Oh, and BinLaden will have a ball too;1. The US riddend an unbeliever for him2. The occupation of a souvereign Arabic country will act wonders for his recruitment numbers.And in the end, why shouldn’t the US get \”Old Europe\” to distance itself from the US? Who needs friends if you have a leader like GW Bush. Just like daddy.
on actors and politicsyou know it’s funny. i never hear members of the right complaining when actors actively support their causes. for instance Charleton Heston and his rabid support for the NRA or arnold Schwarzenegger and his constant spouting of republican party lines.
SkamWTF are you talking about, we publicly mock them all the time. And you brought up two of the most gleaming examples of conservative comedic gold anyway, what kind of argument is that? I reject you totally. Go back to the drawing board, and address the class again in a more factually organized manner.
War for oilFucking A, do I hate you people who say this. Jesus Christ, did none of you read my article a week or two ago about spouting idiotic rhetoric on my site? Let me spell it out for you. Do you know why we would ever, ever go to war for oil? When the war is over, we don’t get to fucking keep it. If we did, the UN would certainly have a whole lot to say about it. And if we weren’t going to listen to them after the war, why the fuck are we waiting for their approval in the first place? Besides, the Iraqi people get the oil if a war takes place and Saddam is removed from power. The oil won’t be very much cheaper if and when we start getting it from them anyways. Even though you won’t read it, or even care to see the author’s point of view, try reading \”DO WE NEED TO GO TO WAR FOR OIL?\” It might give you a little bit of perspective:, there is a far cheaper way to get the oil if we do want our hands on it, and it would get far less of a public outcry: propose that we drop UN sanctions on Iraq. The oil gets a little cheaper, Saddam gets a little richer, and maybe it’ll trickle down to the people. Except that it wont. Listen to this kids. Iraq presents a clear threat to the entire world. They have invaded upon their neighbors, torturing and butchering thousands in the process. They have used chemical weapons on their own people, exterminating thousands more. They have plotted the assassination of an American president, and openly admit to despising the United States, it’s leadership and it’s citizens. However, you support them more than you support us. Anyone ever tell you that France has an oil-based reason for opposing us? Bah, what’s the use, none of you will listen anyway. This bickering, while pointless, just proves that opposition is just a core part of human nature. Give peace a chance is a dream that will never materialize kids, because there’s always someone out there willing to bludgeon the peaceful in the back of their skulls when their backs are turned.
Re: on actors and politicsThe only time Charleton Heston is on tv is when he is talking about the NRA and the 2nd Amendment, which is not just a Republican issue. Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis are both Republicans in Hollywood but the difference is they did not cut tv spots bashing Clinton’s policies or his scandals. They left the politcal and foreign policy comments to the experts and didn’t try to use their celebrity as false credentials.
BullshitLeft, Right… All of you are full of shit by throwing halftruths around. I support war but not on Lil’ Bushy’s terms.Clear and present danger? I know a fucking clear and present danger. His name is Bin Laden. Where is he?… and invading Iraq will get Bin Laden how? If anything it will just give him that many more supporters making it that much harder to find him. Iraq might be a threat but Hussein isn’t going anywhere. If he does something we know exactly where to find him. Bin Laden on the other hand…and how about N. Korea? they’ve got 2-3 bombs, they will sell it (in addition to other weapons)to any party that has the money to pay (of which Pakistan bought most of their Nuclear weapons program from). According to G. Tenet they have the ability to hit the West Coast (perhaps they won’t use it but whoever they sell it to will). And Technically the South is still at war with the North… but yet Saddam is still a larger threat.War for Oil? No. But heck isn’t that a nice bonus for Bush’s friends and family. All senior white house administration officials have served on Oil Company boards… Bush Sr, Jr., Cheney, Rice.) And who will have first crack at the spoils?That wasn’t the best arguement i could have made but my point is this: There a dozen ways you can skin a cat but Bush can’t seem to chose the right one.
Re: BullshitWe are continuing to look for Bin Laden even as we prepare for War with Iraq. Just because we are going to war with Iraq doesn’t mean we aren’t still looking for Bin Laden.Nothing will happen with North Korea…just like nothing happened with China and Russia…it’s all boils down to us having a ton of nukes…and them having only a few…they will not attack because they don’t want their country turned into a parking lot…North Korea has not been selling shit…they are a military based society..having a strong military with the strongest weapons is what they are all about…that is why they do not sell their nukes…they have a hard enough time making them because of international pressures…why would they sell them?And it was China not North Korea, who sold the the stuff Pakistan needed to develop it’s nuclear program…look at the borders…who is pakistan closer to…which country has a bigger nuclear weapons program…that’s right…China…War for Oil…no..that is not the main goal behind this war…it is just a side benefit…if we can get a madman out of power and eliminate an international threat and lower gas prices in the process…I’m all for it…
Thanks for your kind words and insight Fututor!!Posted by Fututor:I’ll tell you why. Because asshats like DangerGoat listen to them.Ok, let’s start there. First of all, you should probably learn to read, because I explicitly stated that I am not a big fan of actors by any stretch of the imagination. You know Fututor, literacy is a blessing! I hope that you can experience the fruits of learning how to read. Secondly, I am NOT a liberal. I have views on both sides of the political spectrum. If anything, that would make me a centrist. I protest the war against Iraq because it lacks justification. I completely in favor of the inspections, but a war over simple violations like this is completely unacceptable to me. I’m not a pacifist, however: if war is justified, I’m all for it. WW2 was a good war; many of our allies were suffering from military attack, and Pearl Harbor was only an additional provocation. Whereas Saddam, for all his faults, is not really bothering anyone important to us. Even the Gulf War had the pretense of defending the Kuwaitis. The argument for war is \”disarming\” Iraq, but that disarmament will come at the hands of Iraq themselves as they freely use their weapons on American troops. Why provoke them? There is no sign whatsoever that Iraq is a danger to us unless we attack them; the director of the CIA has said so precisely.
Preach it!Amen, Brother FaaQ!
North KoreaNorth Korea doesn’t sell its nukes because they don’t have enough of them. They are only selling missiles now, but give them time… I’m sure they’ll get around to it.
LinkBTW, did any of you War for Oilers bother to check that Brain-Terminal link the other day? If we wanted Iraq’s oil fields, why didn’t we take them the first time?
Morons all of you Your all fucking morons Russia should nuke your stupid ass country 20 times over so you dont have to make up your minds about war.
actors and politics 2LJS: i would argue that the bulk of NRA support is largly from conservatives and republicans. there are exceptions of course…and i suppose you do have a point on willis and Schwarzenegger. (well put point. far more interesting than sharkeys post đ )
RE: War for OilWell, it is not like I claimed that they want the oil for the benefit of the WHOLE of the US. Obviously the winners are going to be the ones who are participated in whichever companies get to extract the oil.Sharkey, did you read the article you proposed? Henderson is arguing against BUSH sr. and others, who claimed that Hussein wants to take over neighbours to control the oil. Which would mean that the US would lose control (even if indirect) of such sources and so its economy would suffer.Henderson argues that the potential loss of that through such a take-over does not justify a war. He is AGAINST the 90’s gulf war because it is justified as a mean to protect US oil interests which in his oppinion is outweighed by the cost of a war.But then this is about the first Gulf war, not the current one. Here’s a couple of things to think about:Papa and baby Bush are from Texas. I wonder which industry is the most influential in TX? Who would possibly have enough money to sponsor/assist (or however you call it) a presidential campaign? And since they helped baby bush to the presidential chair, aren’t they entitled to ask for on or the other favour or at least point out matters of \”gravest concern\”?Besides control of oil resources IS important to the US, since they are by far the greatest consumer (and waster) of oil. For example how many of your cars have huge and inefficient engines? More that that, people are proud to have such petrol wasters, a leftover from the 50’s, aye?Seriously, if you truly believe that Bush wants war with Iraq because Hussein is a ruthless dictator (which he is) you are a little naive. Look at Africa for instance, there are plenty of ruthless dictators, or as previously mentioned N. Korea. By the way it is KNOWN that NK has a nuclear programme, however that proof for Iraq has yet to be delivered.
One more thing, SharkeyI had a look around and it seems more and more ironic that you provided this link.You said:\”Listen to this kids. Iraq presents a clear threat to the entire world.\”OK, now have a look at the following page, and then explain to me why the vast majority of the CATO scholars speak out against the war and Bush’s reasoning on why it should be necessary?
heheUsing a CATO institute link in the first place screams \”Bi-partisan\” source anyway :). CATO is an uber-right wing Libertarian group (kinda like the ACLU, only more evil).Thats like using an Enron Memo to explain economics and banking… But I digress…Mikey Steale, where the hell did you get Kennedy and the Cuban missle crisis out of me talkin about the last election? And yes I do vote, thank you to Mesmerize fer that.Sharkey, what will prolly end up happening, is we have a nice lil puppet democracy similar to Chile Circa 1970’s, where although they were a \”democracy\”, american corporations controlled their most valuable resource, copper. and YES we did send millions of aid to them, but it worked out to American companies making 4 dollars for every 1 we sent them in aid…Why shouldn’t our future Iraq \”Democracy\” be any different? No, the US will not directly receive that oil, but American corporations will. and Yes we will be sending aid to them for \”nation building\”, but I would venture to guess it isn’t NEARLY as much as we’d be making from their oil…
On Literacy, the Center, and IraqOh DangerGoat, how you make me smile. Literacy is the ability to read and write. I read and I wrote. I guess I am blessed with literacy. I read in your initial post that you are, \”not a big fan of actors.\” In the same post you defended the pundit actors, and said, \”I am simply against FaaQ’s insipid aggression against actors for having opinions on a matter of grave importance to the United States.\” If not a big fan, then why defend them? And, not being a \”big fan\” does not mean that you are not a fan at all. Do you have to be a \”big fan\” of these dumb shit actors to still listen to them? No you do not, and you are proof of that. How silly of you to attack my literacy when it was you who did not read my post properly. But anyway, moving on. It is truly no surprise to me that you say you are a centrist. You know what a centrist is? A centrist is an over-blown pussy fart (pun intended) who has not got enough balls to stand up for one side or the other. You say you protest the war, but, if war is justified, then you are all for it. Are you for or against war? Grow some fucking balls you eunuch assmonkey, take a fucking stance (for probably the first time in your life), and try to defend it. Otherwise, sit down, and shut the fuck up. Just one more thing, I am almost done. You say that, \”there is no sign whatsoever that Iraq is a danger to us unless we attack them.\” Do you believe that Saddam Hussein dislikes the U.S.? Is it possible that he hates us? If he does have WMDs (and he does), would his dislike, or hatred, of us stop him from selling, or even just giving, those weapons to Al-Qaeda, or any other terrorist group out there who would love nothing more than to use them on our soil? The way I see it is, Saddam may not have the ability to use his weapons the way that he wants to, or may not have the inclination to use them at all because of the international consequences. However, that does not mean that he does not still want to see them used against the U.S. He just does not want to dirty his pretty little hands with the subsequent mess of consequence. Do you think he would mind giving WMDs to a group that is willing and able to hurt the U.S., but is also willing and able to sustain the consequence because of their international invisibility? I do not think he would mind at all.Is all of that readable?
*Sigh*I used that link in the first place so that I could at least try to get someone to stick to an issue: going to war for oil. Of course, Crumbler, you did not. You simply took a look at something which I purposefully found to be slanted against war, so that perhaps you’d take an open minded look. But instead of reading my points and responding, you went right back into \”Bush and daddy oil companies big business blah blah blah\”. The only person who seemed to stick to the issue was Dew, who brought up some valid points. But as I stated in the first place, this is a war. And if we wanted the oil at a decent price, there are far cheaper ways to do it (see my previous post). The cost of going to war does not come close to justifying the benefits of controlling Iraqi oil. Look at the goddamn link I sent you all to that is so \”ironic\”. That spells it out in plain English. Just because he’s Texan doesn’t mean he doesn’t comprehend basic economics.
FaaQ DangerassGoat or whatever your name is, you don’t need a political background to state an opinion. I for one would rather listen to some no name guy then GW.
Thank you.I’ve been waiting for someone to point out the cost effectiveness of going to war for oil. People, when you’re going to write an opposing view of what someone else said stick to the facts and don’t call names. When you berate someone it doesnât help when you’re trying to force your opinion on him or her. Yes, I meant âforceâ; thatâs what most of you are doing.Oh, and learn the difference between \”than\” and \”thenâ. It is better to write intelligently than to be crude.kthxbai
Some info to digestGood read. Has some interesting info. And also sheds some light on the real interests of the French as Sharkey had said.
I hate quasi political postsbut im a glutton for punishment so i read not only the story but also every single reply. call me Marqi de Sade’star
BushI heard people saying there are worse countries to go after than Iraq such as horrible dictators in Africa. I’m sure Bush would go after them given enough time but for now he is focusing on his Axis of Evil. Next up is most likely Iran, Syria, or North Korea. I’m sure he is saving North Korea for last when we have a missle defense shield. A million man army doesn’t mean dick without air support.As for those crying about the oil argument. Sharkey is right when he says there are easier ways to get oil. Just lift the sanctions and millions of barrels of day get on to the market. However, that money would go straight into Saddam and his army for yet another war. And so instead of lifting the sanctions and giving Saddam billions we will remove Saddam and the billions go to Iraqis. Sure American companies benefit but so does everyone in the world (except Saddam and his family). As for the loss of civilian life. Well everyone has to agree that sucks. However, before this Iraq situation I remember every liberal I knew would complain about the UN report that says 500,000 Iraqis have been killed by the economic sanctions over the last decade. Ready for a simple math lesson. 500,000 divided by 10 is 50,000 a year. A war will cost 5,000 to 10,000 deaths in about 3 weeks. So either we kill another 500,000 people in the next decade and let Saddam build himself up (possible nuclear bomb that targets Israel, Israel responds with 50 nukes, fun nuclear winter) or we kill 5-10k and give Iraq its own country to rule. Its called fun with numbers. Let’s do this one more time for the liberals who forgot their fun fact against the US: 500,000 > 10,000. For some reason people think no wars means everyone lives.Frankly, I’m sick of governments that cause mass death to their countries. Stalin purged 30+ million Russians. Mao caused upwards of 60+ million deaths in China. Hitler caused around 6-8 million I believe. Rwanda lost almost a million. Kosova had large ethnic cleansing. Only one country ever wants to intervene for the sake of humanity and its the US. France only moves when it has a blade to its own throat. Thats bullshit. They let millions die in their own backyard. If Mexico had ethnic cleaning we sure as hell would go in there and regulate. I guess Europe does it differently.As an American I feel we should fight for what we perceive as the greater good. We should fight for long term and not for petty short term goals. Because if the year 2100 comes about and dozens of dictators are still causing mass deaths then the free world has seriously fucked up.I leave you this quote from Albert Einstein. This was in reply to a pacifist who wrote him a letter.\”If all the young people in America were to act as you intend to act, the country would be defenseless and easily delivered into slavery.\”
fuck thsoe stupid bitchesfucking cunt liberalsthese are the modern day Neville ChamberlainsI want to see them pack their shit up and go move to Iraq, see how quickly their tune changesjoin your nearest vcd/svcd release chan and pirate the fuck out of hollywoodgoing to see movies only fuels the stupid ass retarded commercials like the ones featuring martin sheen and his unfortunate case of diarhea of the mouth, acting like anyone gives a fuck what he says
WheeeIt’s funny how conservatives like to give liberals a hard time about wanting peace, when it was them who gave no support to the Prez when we were doing the Bosnia thing.Fact is, most of you don’t care who’s right or wrong, just as long as you’re on the same side every time. Frankly, the arguements of the liberals are half-truths and biased. Which is, of course, exactly what the conservative ones are, too. Saddam’s a threat, yes, but the fact is that the current Prez is going after one tyrannical dictator who we suspect has weapons of mass destruction and totally ignoring a tyrannical dictator we know has weapons of mass destruction. I just doubt North Korea has \”ignore the economy\” written on it like Iraq does.Oh, and since we’re throwing around Einstein quotes: \”Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.\” Funny how you can’t really use quotes without something like that happening, eh?
ok okI’m not going to do the tit for tat thing. Both liberals and conservatives are messed up in their own ways. They are both human and have made mistakes.Even though I lean to the right I do believe some liberal policies are for the best. I’m even willing to admit that Clinton was a great President and even defend his policies from time to time. The only thing I won’t agree with is the one line signs that protesters are using before this war. I’ve seen signs that say \”Put Colin Powell on trial for war crimes\” in Europe during the Afghanistan conflict. That was by far the stupiest one I’ve seen in my lifetime. Its easy to lump all those dumb bastards into one group and to make fun of them.And to save anyone the time, an easy example of conservatives acting stupid is NRA rallies after gun shootings. I heard Bowling for Columbine was quite humerous and I expect any self respecting liberal to bash the hell out of those people.
Interesting comparisonIs it just me or are people who call themselves Conservatives a lot more likely to use profane slander to try and get their voice across than the liberal crowd. Every time I hear a Conservative try to tell me why the war on Iraq has to happen (verbally or on the internet)they just throw out words like \”******s, dumbfucks, shiteateres, ass fuckers, towlheads, etc.\” instead of making a argument that isn’t ridden with ignorance or actually addresses the issue in any way, shape, or form. If your going to try to convince me that we need to go over and be responsible for the death of a few thousand civilians, and take over some Iraqi oil, at least try to do it in a sensible manor. Now for my point of view. I donât believe that Mr. Bush is a bad man. I honestly believe that he is trying to do what he thinks is best for the country as a whole. He is using the information and people around him to form his conclusions about what needs to be done. But then again, I donât think a four year old is all that bad of a person either when he screams and kicks when he doesnât get his way. He just doesnât know any better. In the same sense, just because Bush isnât a bad guy doesnât mean he belongs in the white house. The man just canât seem to think past his pre-fabricated opinions or his obviously low IQ. This should be abundantly clear just by the thousands of ignorant comments this man has made over national airwaves. You know if we had a democrat in the house that talked and acted like Bush does, you would be all over him as well. The democrats seem to be losing power, and if you ask me, its because America as a whole is becoming more and more ignorant by the day. Mass media has a strangle hold on our lives, pumping us full of fear and greed. When is humanity finally going to evolve to the point where we realize bombs are not the way.
AssesYou’re idiots.
Amen Jamesgreat points, people need to be more informed as to what is really happening around the world, and how the political system really works. you need more then CNN, or FOX to really formulate your own opinion as both are biased towards their own agenda.I suggest workin on the Hill, you’ll hate the system so much afterwards, that you’ll lose all faith in the System, and want to move to Europe đ
YARRLEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN \”THEN\” AND \”THAN\”!%@(#*%&(*@#%&(*@#%&*(@ %@#
JamesWe conservatives don’t all use profanity, and though I sometimes do, it’s only for emphasis, or to ridicule a complete idiot. Also, most of us conservatives, unlike most liberals, actually do have an argument. Maybe it’s just the conservatives you choose to associate with.How exactly do you know what our president’s IQ is? And what are these alleged, \”thousands of ignorant comments this man has made over national airwaves,\” that supposedly contribute to his ignorance? Your post is riddled with ignorant over-generalizations, so does that mean that you have a low IQ? Democrats are losing power not, \”because America as a whole is becoming more and more ignorant by the day,\” but because it is becoming more conservative. If I’m not mistaken, I believe that the entire world is going through a conservative trend (shown by election outcomes throughout the world). Either way, you’re basically saying that being conservative, or becoming more conservative, equals ignorance. I, and many others like me, would probably wholeheartedly disagree with you. Conservatism does not mean ignorance.Mass media only, \”has a strangle hold on our lives, pumping us full of fear and greed,\” if you let it. Be a little more skeptical, a tad more cynical, and take the media for what it’s worth, a source of biased information, but information nonetheless. Just glean from it what you want. Finally, there is no evolution that could ever make humanity stop making war. Don’t be naive. War is something we’ve always done and will continue to do until the very end of humanity, because violence is part of the human condition.
Genetake the ass plug out THEN relax, ok? Its not like this is a freakin class…
just wonderingAre all the visitors to this site conservatives? They seem to be the prevailing voice here and I’m just wondering if the majority of the visitors are indeed conservative or is it just the ones who feel the need to post their opinion?
Fecund odorHati is actually spelled Haiti. By the way, this site stole my logo 3 years ago. Weak.
Conservatives…No this site isn’t just for conservatives. Regular Americans visit it also.But they sure haven’t been impressed lately.
GGz fututorI bet you aren’t biased at all with those \”most conservatives have well informed arguments, and liberals do not\”. I have heard nothing from you but pure dribble, and I doubt that will ever change. Malthion X solution, indeed.
re: rockfordStole what logo? I draw ’em all by hand.
… Quotable Bush \”We may not be cash-flowing that much, but the sky’s the limit. Well, when you pay dividends, that sky’s-the-limit business doesn’t hunt.\”– Feb. 20, discussing his tax proposals. \”We’re going to make sure we spend enough to win this war. And by spending enough to win a war, we may not have a war at all.\”– Feb. 20, discussing homeland security. \”So today, I ask you to challenge your listeners to . . . start a ministry which will find the children of those who are incarcinated and love them.\” — Feb. 10, to Christian broadcasters.
DangerGoat: The Democratic Party MouthpieceBe quiet. I’m not biased, I’ve just heard conservative arguments, whereas I’ve heard the same stupid shit verbatim from you that I’ve heard from every other liberal. Don’t regurgitate the your party’s platform and call my posts pure dribble. Go to your nearest supermarket and buy yourself some originality. But then, I imagine your tea-bagging of the Democratic Party will never change. Do all of us a favor here at BAMF and go play hide and go fuck yourself. And if you’re unclear about my meaning, I mean fuck off.