Slice Of The Day

This is the day you’ve all been waiting for. Some will be disappointed, some will be extatic. Others, will do things that the rest of us don’t need to know about. Here it is my friends, more pictures of the delectable Fernanda Martinelli. I know, you love me, and its not even Valentines Day yet. Oh, you were talking to Fernanda, I see, I get it…


A special thanks to the Pie Forum kids, who stand an ever vigilant watch over the Net, lest any unwatched porn slip through their fingers. Fernanda’s still jailbait I’m afraid, but does that even matter in Brazil? Not that I’d mind, personally my life probably isn’t even worth a night with her. Maybe like, twenty minutes and a Tootsie-Pop afterwords, but that’s about it. I’d probably be glad to trade, too.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Jesus1 testicle, 1 kidney and 35% of 1 lung: Things I would gladly give up just to smell her hair. Pubes, that is.

  2. Damn SkippyDude if there’s anybody in the audience that would like to help me kidnap this woman please let me know.How is it possable that a fuckedd up country like Brazil could have something like that in it?As soon as she does any nude breast bearing or vagina playing pics the whole world could blow the fuck up and I’ll still be happypeace(or NOT)

  3. uhhhhhh.uhhhhhhhhhhhh. shes absolutely beautiful, see those nearly nude/panty shots? sweet mother of god I would gladly beat myself to death for one night with her.

  4. Pie ForumIs the Pie Forum (and all the other forums, for that matter) down for anyone else? BAMF’s main site hasn’t been working for me either for the past few days until now…

  5. Lucky day, for some.The age of consent is only 14 in Brazil, and I know this because my girlfriend is Brazilian, not because I’m a pedophile. Still seems wrong to me, but if she told me she was 21, I’d believe her. Brazil anyone?

  6. Didnt i see you at…?Is she like on TV or something, google doesnt come up with much…Please help the boy from .au 🙂

  7. this chickIf you guys wanna see a really hot chick look for Adriana Lima…she’s a Victoria’s Secret model… this girl ain’t nothing compared to Adriana…This girl has the body of my ten year old sister and that’s not a compliment.

  8. Where is the pie forum?I tried the link and it does not work on my computer. How do you get access to the pie forum?

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