Dude, You’re Makin’ My Monday!

I’ll bet you’re sitting at your desk right now, loathing the fact that you have to sit in a cubicle so close to that cockmaster who likes to come by every Monday and talk to you about his obviously falsified weekend of debauchery, when all you really want is to grab your fucking coffee, read a few websites, and stave off your urges to murder every fucking person within your field of vision. Well, psycho, I’ve got something that might cheer you up. “Steven The Dell Dude” is in jail. Yeah, it’s like porn on a Friday afternoon, isn’t it? Calm as an empty toilet.

Hey, dude, you’re getting a cell! Benjamin Curtis, the 22-year old actor who portrays “Steven,” the Dell Guy, in those bothersome computer commercials, was arrested late last night (2/9) on a marijuana possession charge, The Smoking Gun has learned. According to cops, Curtis was holding a “small bag of marijuana” when he was popped on Manhattan’s Lower East Side (at Ludlow and Rivington for you Gothamites). Curtis is currently being held in Central Booking and is scheduled to be arraigned later today in Manhattan Criminal Court. Curtis, who lives in lower Manhattan, was charged with criminal possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor. Bonnie Shumofsky, the actor’s agent, said she was unaware of her client’s bust when contacted this morning by TSG.

I know, it’s just a pot bust, which makes it funnier to pick on since we all probably figured that another web icon would be the first to go down on a drug charge. Oh well. The thing is, Steven hasn’t been in Dell’s latest round of ads, so it’s not like we needed this to get rid of him. This is kind of like kicking a guy when he’s down, really. It’d be downright mean to do a ‘Shop job at this point.

I'm trading my laptop for protection today. You know they call my sweet Dell Z4000 series a 'cherry' in this place? Dude, I'm gettin' hooked up!

…so I’m mean. That’s an understatement, isn’t it? Normally I’m spitting fire and burning villages on Monday mornings. Maybe I need a cup of coffee.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. office mainaI bet you think your office sucks?i work in a shit-land of fuckin metal midgets.Yes ladys and gentlemen i’m talking about realestate. Oh god…I work in a realestate office….the sheer irony of the situation smacks like a 34th story nose dive in to concrete.I mean me….a knowledgable and skilled wire jockey workin as a fucking office bitch.I miss things like \”I’m gonna need to go though this wall.\”and i could if your computer didn’t suck this hard.\”Do you know whats it’s like to work in a sales office where most of the sales agent can’t even figure out the differnce between last name first and the \”other way\”, or when you say \” no you can’t use that copier, im running copies on it, I just need to get more paper.\” only to return to find the very same agent running his or her copies on the \”expensive letterhead\” because he/she \”just needed a few copies real quick and then they’ll be out of your way.\”No my friends…………..I truly live office hell.p.s. it might be cool to her about other offce bullshit….hook it up Sharkey.peace Kracka

  2. alsothey’ll blueband that asshole for sure…(bluebanders are the snitches or the fags that can’t be with the rest of the population)

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