Just To Even Things Out… Well, Not Really

Since I dedicated one of the longest posts in the history of this site to bashing the stupidity of some ignorant couch-potato leftists, enjoy a little article that points out some of the oversimplifications that us righties enjoy. The difference, of course, is that this article is hilarious in it’s oversimplifications, whereas the comments that I previously discussed are just random stupidity that more than likely results from years of inbreeding and a mouth that can’t stay shut. Sounds kind of like a Kennedy family reunion. Hooray for stereotypical oversimplification, a word which has unfortunately been used far too liberally in one short paragraph. G’night.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. lolz…gj on that comedy gemwhoa, who’da thought to relate The Banger Sisters to something of a sexual nature? sweet jesus murphy! you are the greatest comedy genious since sinbad!!..the sailor

  2. SurprisedRight-wing stuff has to be put into cliff notes, thats the secret to the GOP’s success :). Can’t put a multi-pager up there and expect people to read it…EX: When asked why the economy sucks, answer everything with \”Its all Clintons Fault\”.North Korea? \”Clinton’s Fault\”etc etc…

  3. hellolefty here. i couldnt disagree with your other post more, sir sharkey. although i do hate it when people bash bush without having anything to back it up. i just think he’s a fucking idiot, and he’s a liar. and, although one cant be sure, quite possibly the worst president this country has ever had. that said….im’a go.

  4. oh, and i do realizethe hypocracy of not backing up my statements in that last comment. i typed that first part, and then i got to the part where i talked about bush and realized that i didnt really wanna get into it. lets just say im really against this war…and im tired. very tired.

  5. and you’re lazy perry, very…lazyI had to email Feirstein to let him know how happy it makes me to know that I too can become a published writer for the observer by writing essays just like I did in english 101 and 102 as a freshmen in college. I am truly ecstatic. Feirstein is a fairly jocular fellow, I enjoyed it but you must realize there are some celebrities who are fairly well educated and do have some opinions that have some validity to them. The great thing about America is that we all have opinions, and we’re more then happy to share them with everyone else – albeit it may be bitching and whining, but personally I think it’s grand when people bitch and whine on the national level, we need more whining. Without whiners, there would be nobody for comedians and E/N site owners to mock every day. And where would we be then? That’s right, we’d be in cuba. I think.

  6. the basic principles of lifeYou misunderstand me. I’m sure that Cuba has whiners, it’s just that if they do whine – they will be circumsized without anasthesia and then fed the left over bits. This is an androgenous punishment, by the way. Thus, they don’t whine verbally, only in their minds and when they cry themselves to sleep at night.

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