Slice Of The Day

You can thank Tazz for sending in our latest slice, pictures and all. I wholeheartedly agree with her slice-worthiness, especially considering the fact that my girlfriend makes me watch her on that Goddamn Buffy show every now and again. And I’ll bet ten bucks I get forced to see this guaranteed-to-suck-balls flick Darkness Falls starring her, so I figure I may as well exhibit to you the only reason for sitting in front of that screen for 90 minutes. Guys, I give you the lovely Emma Caulfield.

Who did I not blow to land myself in such an obviously shitty movie?

Hooray for pie, hooray for booze. My Friday night may not be a total wash. Better pack the NyQuil, just in case.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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