Note To Fatties: French Fries Are Not “Zone Diet” Friendly

[ Obesity Suit Against McDonalds Dismissed ]

Thank God, I’d hate to think that there was a court out there who could possibly conceive that somebody could be misled into beleiving that a Super-sized Big Mac Value Meal could be considered a non-ass-widening part of your nutritious breakfast. Especially if you decide to use a milkshake instead of ketchup as a dipping sauce for your fries.

Too bad though, I was considering bringing a suit against my Grandmother for all this holiday chub that my beer gut put on during the month of December. Like I can figure out that seconds and thirds on turkey and stuffing would result in my ass jiggling.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Fat bastard…..I guess this jackass didn’t realize that all fast food restaurants display and/or give out all of the nutritional information for their food for all the world to see…I just want to know who his dumb ass lawyer was…My cousin vinnie?

  2. I’m suing tooHey, I think I’ll jump on the \”I’m an ignorant fool who needs the law to protect me from myself so I’m going to tie up the court with litigous BS\” bandwagon and sue my local pub for the little love handles I’ve obtained. Anyonw know an especially amoral lawer?

  3. hey …Do you think I could sue my university for not actively pursuing enough hot chicks? Because that sounds like a real money maker. What 50 year old judge wouldn’t support me?

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