
Seems that after I parked last night at around 2:30 in the morning, some dickhead decided that he was going to make off with my new Kenwood MP3 car stereo. Unfortunately for him (and me) he was about the shittiest car stereo theif on the planet. The detachable face was the only thing he could get off. Well, that and the hunks of my dashboard that he tore out in obvious anger at his own ineptitude. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure (although I can’t be certain) that my insurance will cover the whole fiasco. At least the bastard was too stupid to look in the backseat or the trunk. I had plenty of games and such which were probably more valuable than a $300 stereo. Or at least a 50 cent stereo faceplate.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. where at?Were you by chance parked on W. 32nd street? I walked out this morning and there was glass on the curb. I noted it in my memory banks, and this seemed like it may be a coincidence. There’s a lot of fuckin shitheads out there.

  2. insurance…I predict you will be analy raped multiple times by your insurance company. They have this sneaky way of getting technical when you need the cashola to flow the other direction…

  3. Car Face Prices…You do know that the stereo companies artificially price faces for stereos as much as the original stereo itself, right? Otherwise, what good would it do to remove the face at all?So, take whatever your stereo cost. Voila, that’s the cost for a new face.

  4. InsuranceYou’ll have to double check on that insurance. Some of them will not cover it. You can claim articles/items within your car on homeowners, but aftermarket parts are a fine line. If they do cover it, you have to decide which is the better way to go and if they make you pay a deductible on it. If you have a lot of aftermarket equipment in your car, it’s worth looking into a special policy through your car insurance company. They more or less add on insurance for a fixed amount of value for the equipment in the car. Good luck.

  5. stereoYour basic auto policy should cover everything stolen in the way of the stereo after your deductible has been applied. The exclusions for aftermarket stereo equipment are avoided if you installed the new stereo permenantly in the original location. This should be clearly outlined in your actual policy wording. Pseud was right though, everything else would be covered under a homeowners or renters, not your auto policy. I hate to admit it, but I am an insurance agent, by choice no less. Feel free to drop me a line if your company starts to dick you around. I will tell you what to say to alleviate any problems.

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