Its A Misnomer. Witches Tits Cannot Be This Cold

I’ve been in line for LOTR for 3 hours now, and I can no longer feel 12 of my 21 extremities. I’ll leave which ones to your own imagination. Thankfully my girlfriend brought hot coffee and In-n-Out, so I won’t have to murder any extremely fat nerds to slice open and use for warmth. And I thought they smelled bad…on thr outside.

Akright, that was pretty fucking lame. But what do you expect, I’m drunk and frozen.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Just as long as the boys stay warm.Just make sure the last 3 extremities to lose feeling are the 3 most important ones. You can do without fingers and toes.

  2. bahi was there as well. only inside. i almost fucking brutally murdered 85% of the people waiting in line though. It was a serious test of my patience. Yea im a dork also. So what. I dont flaunt it (besides sitting in a line for 3 hours) like these annoying ass loud fuckers do. It felt like we were in the same place, but in very differnt worlds. Anyways best damn movie this year. Totally made up for any shittyness that ep2 brought upon.

  3. Hahahahaha!*points his finger*There was no lines for me last night. They were seating early and the crowd was actually pretty cool. Except for the fucking retards who decided to applaud every time a particular ad would come up.

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