Link… He Come To Town… To Save… The Princess Zelda!

Zelda + Japanese People = What The Fuck?

I know, I apologize for the lack of posting yesterday, but I was afk all freakin’ day. (Ooh, rhymey.) I’m pretty damned exhausted right now from attempting to watch Lord Of The Rings (the special edition) one more time before we go see The Two Towers tomorrow night at my favorite theatre (website run by a jackass). It’ll be worth the wait just to hear the delicious Liv Tyler speak some more elvish. I’m a nerd, I know, but at least I can admit it. And admitting it is the first step towards recovery.

Speaking of nerdiness, is it just me, or does the whole “cosplay” bullshit seem a lot less retarded over in Japan? Probably because they have more chicks in tight schoolgirl outfits, but then again, I could need to further research the subject.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hehI had to watch the SE DVD myself, the new one looks pretty damn good.Not as good as Liv Tyler slathered in coco butter and ice cubes.Erm… yeah.

  2. Full lyricsLink, he come to townCome to save the Princess ZeldaGanon took her awayNow the children don’t playBut they will when link saves the dayHallelujah!Now Link, fill up your heartsSo you can shoot your sword with powerAnd when you’re feeling all downThe fairy will come aroundSo you’ll be brave, and not a sissy cowardNow Link has saved the dayPut Ganon in his graveSo now Zelda is freeAnd now our hero shall beLink! I think your name shall go down into history.

  3. Sorry sharkeyBut it still strikes me as pretty retarded, even in Japland. Some of those women shouldn’t be exposing their navels *looks at tigeress costume and feels his nuts shrivel*…and you know those pics are probably considered the \”best of show\”

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