Brass Ones

I’m about to enter my arbitration meeting for my unpaid overtime suit, and rather than the lawyers that I figured would show, both my boss and the CEO are here. No lawyers, just us. It already feels like meeting up with an ex that was a bad breakup, and I’m asking for my Def Leppard albums back, and the last month’s rent.

I wish they’d call us already.

Update: Not too bad. They badmouthed me, while I maintained my cool, non life-threatening composure. The arbitrator lady seemed to be leaning in my favor, and asked if they wanted to settle, to which they had no definitive response. It’s either that, or court in 6 or 7 months. So now the waiting game begins, as I begin the subpoena process. Anyone have any ideas beyond security logs and such? Do any of you even have experience going to court over unpaid wages? Are any of you literate, or just scanning these pages for Britney Spears’ recent nipple slip? Why am I even asking…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. LawyersMy lawyers said that it would be a waste of my money to bring them along, as they have no power in such a situation. Can you believe a lawyer would turn down money?

  2. tech savyIf it does go to court, you should get any and all proof you can. You should also be prepared to thorougly explain exactly what the logs mean. The people you are explaining this to more than likely won’t be very computer literate. Any other ex employees or friends that can vouch for ya?

  3. wheres the slip?lol dammit sharkey, always taunting us, giving us a link but its only to SOTD. bah, lol well good luck in court.

  4. phone recordsYou might can get a log of phone calls made while at work during those hours, e-mails originating from a work machine, Cell Phone records and even SMS messages to people saying you’re at work might help.

  5. other thingsalso login records (backup tapes, etc) that prove you were on site and logged in WORKING. Admin logs from *nix machines are good for this – it’ll show you logging in and doing stuff like su to root, etc.

  6. Got em by the records can also help if ur paid weekly, monthly etc….get ur hands on some proof quickly before they try and snuff it out…..if not ur fucked and will probably end up on an episode of Judge Judy…..good luck man

  7. Records, Records, RecordsBring EVERYTHING you have related to this case. All phone logs, work logs, security logs, log-in logs….EVERYTHING. You have to prove you were there and that you were working. If you were working at home, try and get your ISP log-ins to show what times you were on and match it up to the work you performed. (Surfing for new pie pictures probably does not count.) Your lawyers should help you with this.Good luck,Taipan88

  8. be precise.If you say \”about 2 hours a day overtime\”, they will lowball you. Be precise so they cannot go down. Documentation is critical also.Also, be yourself. Don’t try and act like a big shot lawyer(asshole). Judges hate wannabe lawyers.

  9. well…i guess since everyone else said something intelligent and/or useful, that leaves me to say the rest…ahemFUCK THOSE DAMN DIRTY WHORES.

  10. yeahMy only advice is have your paystubs and to subpoena whatever timesheets, or whatever. If they have an electric card slide timeclock or whatever, it has to have records.

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