Mad Max: Beyond Midlifecrisisdome

Yes true believers, the words is out and kiddies everywhere are salivating. At least, those who are over the age of twenty, which rules out a good 90% of you sexless feebs. But what does that matter, we’re getting another Mad Max flick!

Mel Gibson, who starred in the 1979 cult hit “Mad Max,” is returning to the franchise for a fourth time, according to the entertainment trade paper Daily Variety.

He will be paid a salary approaching $25 million to star in “Fury Road” for original “Mad Max” director George Miller, who has been crafting the script for the last three years. Once again, Mad Max will roam the lawless, post-apocalpytic Australian outback.

The project is set up at Twentieth Century Fox. Studio insiders say the $104 million project will begin shooting in Australia next May as the targeted start date.

Wow, I certainly hope that it doesn’t suck complete camel cock. After all, Beyond Thunderdome was a pale shadow of parts 1 and 2, especially Road Warrior. Although I do hear that Tina Turner is in talks to reprise her role from the third installment. Let’s take a peek in on the negotiation process, shall we?

Proud Mary ain't so goddamn proud anymore, is she Tina?

Aww… don’t worry Tina, I’m sure they’ll be on the phone begging for you to do another Revlon ad or whatever any minute now. No no, don’t pick up the receiver to see if it’s connected, they might be trying to get through!!! Besides, you’ve always got your youth. …OK, nevermind, I guess you’ve got your looks. Well, alright I suppose you still have… aww fuck it. At least Ike’s not giving you the ol’ five-across-the-eyes anymore, right? See, everything’s gonna be alright, as long as you stay fully clothed. Please.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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