Oh, you know, this and that….

Well for Thanksgiving I went first to Merced (close to Fresno) to see my father, and then to Vallejo (just north of San Francisco) to see my sister and my adorable neice (who is three now I think…) the day after Thanksgiving. My brother and I drove home Saturday. It was about 7 hours of driving each day (3 1/2 each way from dad’s to sis’s because of the slow ass van we drove to bring my neice some furniture) we drove, which was 3 out of the 4 days of our “vacation.”

OK enough of the boring stuff. We drove past a federal prison on the way to my sister’s house. Who cares, right? I didn’t, either, until about 3 exits past the sign for the prison was Shanks Road and I thought it was sort of amusing at the time….

In the near future, I’ll post in gaming about Neocron, but for now it’s my latest addiction. It’s what we’ve been hoping for and wanting for a few years now: it’s a FPS combined with a MMORPG. That’s right, it’s like Everquest with guns. No, it’s not another shitty Anarchy Online. When you have a gun, and you aim (yes you aim, not just your fuckwad character) and pull the trigger, you shoot. So far, it seems that it’s a “friendlier” shooter game (more of HALO and less of Ghost Recon) but still very enjoyable. The offline demo is free to play on the website. It’s sort of like Deus Ex online. The game is brand new, which is another selling point of playing – you don’t start a game like Everquest at level 1 when level 60+’s dominate the game. Granted, it’s been out in Europe for a few weeks now, so there are those that are higher up, but for the most part everyone is a n00b right now.

My business partner and I got into a discussion about Diet Pills last night. He went on about being on “legalized speed” and I told him to watch Requiem For A Dream. I told him briefly about Ellen’s character and he said that’s the perfect woman for him. Um…. the 65+ geriatric crowd? Yeah, she’s older so she’s “experienced” and if she’s on speed then I bet she fucks like a minx….

Blah blah blah, I’m going out to the BBQ place for my weekly fix and then I’m gonna get on and shoot stuff. Word is bond.

Categorized as Rants

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