I bet he spanked it to them before

he put them up for sale.

A teenage boy who tried to sell naked photos of his mother online was praised by her and given more pictures to sell.

Michael, an 18-year-old from New Zealand, was ordered to clear out the garage by his mother Jennifer, 44.

But while sulking and cleaning he came across some “artistic” photos of his mother. But instead of recoiling and burning them he posted them on online trading site TradeMe with the title, “5 naked photos of my mum”.

If his actions weren’t strange enough when Jennifer found out she didn’t castigate him or scold him, she gave him some more pics to sell.

“He was quite naughty … I thought ‘you cheeky little git’, but at least he’d been a bit creative about it,” said Jennifer.

But the money-making scheme was foiled when TradeMe pulled the auction, much to the chagrin of Jennifer.

“I wanted 50 per cent of the sale, but more than that I miss the nice comments.”

Of course no pix or it didn’t happen. Oh wait.


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