1. “Because Faaq is a hack ******. Biggest republican ****** known to man. FAAQ.”

    I don’t care what party he identifies with, his “political” jokes are retarded. “I HAVE A VIDEO OF OBAMA DANCING AND THEN THEY EDIT HIS SPEECHES TO MAKE HIM SAY DUMB STUFF! HE’S THE WORST CANDIDATE EVER LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!”.

  2. “easy on the caps there tyke. you get awfully excited for someone who says he doesnt care about party.”

    You fail to understand the purpose of the quotation marks as used my the above post. You could also use a very heavy brush up on the meaning of sarcasm.

  3. Is it as edad as your lost sense of humor? You are first person I wish could have posting rights revoked. you used to be so clever. Has PTSD got you down? Can that happen to reservist?

  4. The election was over when Karl Rove forced McCain to pick Palin. Hope you guys like 4 years of Obama in office.

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