Investments based on Fantasy world prove risky

As if you didn’t already know this, attempting to re-create a fantasy world IRL is probably not a good investment scheme, especially since the type of people who would actually want to own one of these homes all still live with their parents.

 The rise and fall of Bend’s real estate economy has resulted in foreclosure proceedings against The Shire, a village-themed concept in southeast Bend patterned after J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” series.

A notice of default was recorded last week in the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office on the 31-lot development, which had a “Disneyland-like feel” according to one of its developers and was characterized by Old World housing styles and a fantasy setting….

“It was Ron’s concept, and it was a good one,” Jan McDonald said. “Had the market not gone to where it went, it had the potential to be successful.”

Uh, this was never going to be “successful”. 900k for a fucking log cabin with some pictures of Gandalf etched in glass and a “hobbit hole”, yeah that’s what any self respecting home owner is looking for.

If I ran that bank, I’d pay someone to show up in a Sauron outfit on the day they shitcan the place, ya know, just to really drive the nail home.

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  1. Man, even if you had money to waste, that place would totally cockblock you when you bring home your gold digger sluts.

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