Bedtime Story Limerick, In Engrish

When asked for comment, Joni Mitchell replied 'You don't know what you've got til' it's gone... like feeling in your vagina.'There once was teen whore from Japan, in eight months she fuck 800 man. But the whore underage, now her pimp in a cage and her junk’s just as coarse as the sand.

Jeez, I’m fairly crass once exhaustion hits. [ Linky ]

A second-hand dealer has been arrested for pimping a 17-year-old girl to a whopping 800 clients in eight months, police said Friday.

The man, Takayuki Miura, and a teen-age boy who worked under him, were arrested on charges of breaking the Child Welfare Law.

From November last year until July this year, 44-year-old Miura set a minimum quota of six men a day for the 17-year-old runaway girl. He pocketed some 12 million yen during the period but only paid 500 yen per day to the girl to cover her lunch expenses, police said.

KlfJoat probably made up a good third of her business, since I heard he raised his age minimum. *BA-DUM-CHING!*

With that cheap shot delivered, it’s time for bed. Tip your waitress.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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