Can’t Catch Me Cuz The Rabbit Dun’ Died

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Til You're Down On The Muffin

I don’t rightly care about your musical opinions, because I had fucking kickass seats for an Aerosmith concert down in San Diego tonight. They put on a grand show, and the opening act, Kid Rock, was actually fairly good. The guy does pretty well when half his material is covers of classic rock tunes. And apparently while I was gone, SOTD got farked. Odd, but uh… neat? Yeah, I think that’s the word for this Tuesday. Neat. Now we’re on to Wednesday, where the word for the day will be “ass”. Try using it in a sentence today, such as “That Nikki Cox is one piece of ass”.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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