Landmines Don’t Blow Up Pretty Girls, Dear

Miss LandmineBongweasel just pointed me in the direction of this Fox News story about the upcoming Miss Landmine competition. It’s… about what you’d expect.

Ten women will show off their beauty and brains — and their landmine injuries — in Angola next April in a competition to win a golden prosthetic limb and the title of Miss Landmine 2008.

Whoa, wait, a golden prosthetic limb? Jesus, black people are taking this “bling” nonsense a little bit too far.

Speaking of whom, you must check out the contestants. While I’m very touched by their plight, I’m forced to wonder if they are trying to make a mockery of these poor limbless beauties. With job aspirations like “anything” and “street vendor” and favorite colors listed as “sand,” they don’t make a very convincing argument for why you should take anything about the whole affair seriously. Listing the year that their wayward limb was blown off, including (in some cases) a small description of the circumstances, was a nice touch.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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