Wait, Which Playstation Was It?!?

I guess that lady from last week should be thankful that her son only punched her. He could have taken it a few leaps further.

A teenager captured in a police sting operation appeared in court on Friday charged with plotting to murder his parents after they threw him out of the house for misbehaving.

According to detectives, the sting was set up when Ryder told the mother of one of his friends that he wanted to kill his parents. The woman contacted police, who directed her to tell him he could meet a hit man in a hotel. The “hit man” was a police officer wearing a recording “wire”.

Ryder has told Juvenile Services officials that he was angry that his parents had first confiscated his PlayStation and grounded him then thrown him out of the house and said that he felt under pressure to meet the man at the hotel, protesting that he never had any intention to kill. His defence lawyer theorised that Ryder might have heard the “two bullets” statement on television and that he parroted it without really meaning it. He accused the Troianos, a middle-class couple living in an affluent area of southern Maryland, of being bad parents.

Apparently Life decided to listen to my comment about my girlfriend and video games the other day and he, being the dick that he is, found it necessary to hand me a karma bitch slap. She took up Viva Pinata on Friday, and I’ve had about 30 minutes of Xbox 360 time to myself ever since. This article has been rather helpful, as I’ve been plotting her assassination since about 3PM on Saturday. I’ve written a big post-it on my monitor that says “no hitman referrals that meet in shady motels.” I’d worry about her seeing it, but like I said… she’s parked on the couch all fucking day.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Ha, more power to her. She is exacting revenge for the both of us. You know how many years I had to sit and watch you play when all I wanted was to beat my minnie mouse game on the Nintendo? I still haven’t gotten my turn…still.

  2. …..which is why you have to marry a girl that doesn’t play console games. My wife is more than intent playing flash Sudoku from MSN on her laptop. Not a console gamer by any stretch of the imagination. She used to bitch about the sirens from GTA, though. I guess they got to her more than me.

  3. Well spoken, previous poster.

    Anywho, I couldn’t stand when my sister played that game with me b/c both players played at the same time and she would constantly fall behind. Many sibling rilvalries began with Mickey Mousecapade.

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