
Since I’m bored today, I’ll be updating this thread with random videos and shit that I find interesting. We’ll start with another one of those “Lost” orientation videos that was released at the comic-con last week. I was surprised at the lack of interest across the net (comparatively speaking) until I remembered just how much season 3 sucked, with the exception of those last 1.5 episodes. Oh well, they did check off a few items from my list.

Let’s talk today. Share your feelings or problems with the site or whatever the fuck you want in the comments. I swear I will… at the very least intend to respond to all of them.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. my problem with bamf is that it doesn’t hold me after we make love like it used to do when we first met. i feel like there’s a rift forming between us. can anything be done to salvage this relationship? is there another chubby asshole in your life?

  2. Dang it they promised no time travel. How else would you have two of the same rabbit?

    And the paranoia about not letting them near each other…some time travel theories indicate if someone went back in time and interacted with his/herself it would create a paradox and do something (anything from split off the timeline into a new one, create a pocket dimension, or react like matter to antimatter)

  3. So which time travel “rules” are they going to follow? Dr. Who, Back to the Future, Terminator, Star Trek, Austin Powers…..which one? JJ Abrams isn’t very original, so he has to bite one of these off somebody.

    It’s possible that they’re researching teleportation, or invisibility too. That would, at least, explain Jacob as being possibly stuck out of phase or some shit like that. Not that whole “Ghost” thing that they were trying to push. I like the blurb in the middle of that clip “God loves you as he loved Jacob.” Like Chevy Chase’s Invisible Man in the early 90s.

  4. Phuked:
    Yah, I gotcha….its not like there are real rules. It was just the first thing that I thought of when I saw the same rabbit in his hands on the ledge, and him hollering ‘don’t let them near each other’.

    Time travel paradoxes are the only things I know of in either science or science fiction (other’n antimatter) that you wouldn’t want the two objects to come together.

    And an antimatter bunny? Just evil.

    I don’t care who he rips off so long as it makes sense. Abrams has a rep for not knowing how to stop.

  5. Looks like they follow TimeCop rules

    *Grows mulet*

    *Bones Mia Sara*

    *Does Van Damme suspended over the floor leg split*

  6. I kind of hate discussing this goddamned show because I get the nagging feeling that the writers scour the internet for schmucks like us discussing the hidden plot points and then change shit midstream.

    I didn’t know about Abrams’ rep as much, but I will definitely agree with what you said about it. While watching Alias, I didn’t know who this guy was, but I remember being able to call out the plot “twists” before they happened. He’s very predictable, and very unoriginal at that. Now I’m probably lampooning this guy for no real reason, as he’s most likely not the one writing all the episodes, but his name is on it and what happens in Lost is pretty much his M.O. therefore, it’s all on him.

    I wouldn’t hold your breath about things making sense. I have a feeling that this show is going to end like the Matrix. Basically, whatever explanations you may come up with about the show will be about a million times better than anything the writers will come up with. Yeah, I said it….Matrix 2 and 3 sucked fucking ass!

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