1. hahaha thats funny and disturbing.

    Why were they even there taking pictures though? Thats the worst fucking neighborhood i’ve ever seen!


  2. That ain’t a neighborhood, dude, that’s a car factory. On second thought, scratch that, you’re right….that’s what every neighborhood in Detroit looks like. Shithole.

    Anyway, I don’t know what’s more fucked up….the (way too much res) pictures….or the fact that they’re posted on some equally gay rice-boy forum. I find that very ironic…..the same ******s that strap phallic symbols to their exhaust pipes, in the name of “performance” of course, are the same ass-monkeys making fun of homosexual acts.

    If those dudes are a band, I’ll give them a A for effort. At least those pics are different than the usual hoardes of shitty local bands that pose all hard-ass in front of a brick wall for their pictures.

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