Better To Burn Out Or Fade Away?

I’m not dead. Bamf is not dead. The possibility of many daily posts is also not dead. It’s just that…. this whole Anna Nicole thing has hit me really hard.

… ok, so that last one might have been a lie. But I’m not abandoning my post. You guys have to cut a guy some slack. I’ve been running this site since 1999, at some points with little to no encouragement to even attempt to do so. I do this, because I’ve always loved this site, and it has always been an excellent outlet for my rage and disappointment towards humanity in general. Neither target has diminished during those years, but perhaps my need to verbally assault said targets has been lacking as of late.

I, as many of you may know, run my own business. This can be a difficult proposition for anyone, especially when you are accustomed to a lifestyle that borders on arrogant belligerence. My life has, recently, consisted of selling new clients and winding down, whether that entailed substance abuse or Xbox Live. This has unfortunately left me with little energy to effectively express my hatred towards mankind in the style to which you, my e-alimony recipients, have become accustomed.

I don’t want to quit the site. I don’t want to quit you. But the fact of the matter is, most people associate this site with me… and that pretty much chases away all of the other writers and puts the burden of updating this dog-n-pony show upon my shoulders. So when I’m hitting hard times, you in turn must hit hard (and sometimes silent) times with me. But that is not where I’d like our story to end, my e-concubines. I’m going to press on, and try to continue my hard work in breathing new life into BAMF, like I intended to do at the start of this year. If you feel like offering words of encouragement… well shit, it couldn’t hurt.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I’ve been reading since 1999 Sharkey, and if it makes it better I love your site. I’ve quit volunteer web sites myself, so I know the temptation. I suggest just doing what the fuck you feel like and have no obligation, its the only way to fly.

  2. Dude, my internet feels empty without you. Don’t go. Have some of the monkeys update if it gets to be to much.

  3. Hello NG-fans! P-Bot here, with today’s hottest games and movies submitted to the Portal:
    Bubble Tanks, by deathboner (also known for Captain Coppergravel)

    Minushi – Chapter 1, by Minushi

    -> World Domination II

  4. More and more NG contributors have been putting it all on the line to make their “dream projects” a reality. Some of them could use help, while others would just love people to check out what they are up to!

    The guys behind Press Start are working on a feature length movie and could use some help with the opening title sequence. Their idea is to have a montage of 10-15 second “clips” from fabricated videogames of various eras, games that all of the Press Start characters are from. They’d be in the style of existing games, essentially spoofing popular characters, but without actually using copyrighted content.

    They are looking for someone who could create the original sprite-based characters in the vein of classic characters, not just do pallette swaps of existing characters. Professionalism will be key, as once you commit to helping out, you will be expected to see it through. This is a “passion project” so you won’t be getting paid, but you would get credit in the film (including credit on IMDB), as well as lotsa love (and a t-shirt) from the Press Start guys. 🙂

    If you are good at creating and animating sprite characters, contact ED -AT- DARKMAZE.COM with examples of your previous work.

    Elsewhere in the NGverse, Tyler Gibb has completed a feature length version of his Minushi saga! He is currently in the process of seeking distribution and will be posting additional chapters to NG. To celebrate the completion (and answer questions), Tyler has put together a series of eight documentaries about the making of Minushi. The first three are currently available on his website!

    James Farr, creator of the Xombie series, has just released a Xombie book! GO BUY IT, NOW!

    Finally, Clark and Smith won the ACMI Screenit competition for Treasure Trawler, in the grades 9-12 computer games category! Congrats, guys!

    Want to be a part of something big and don’t know what? Check out Pico Day! We’re giving away $15,000 in total cash! 🙂

  5. and more fierce weapons available by absorbing the bubbles your enemies leave behind. The more bubbles you collect, the larger your ship and the greater your weapon become. But as you grow so do the enemies that you will find around you. Lose all your bubbles, however, and the game puts you back to the nearest safe bubble where you get to start your ascent again.

    Analysis: The graphics are simple and yet nicely styled, and it all comes together exceptionally well. The soundtrack, although a bit repetitive, is relaxing and complements the atmosphere of discovery. As I was playing the game while writing this review someone submitted the game, using our online game suggestion form, and described it as being similar to flOw. At first I didn’t agree; but as I progressed further with the game I could indeed see the similarities. Perhaps Bubble Tanks was influenced by the elegance of flOw, and yet it is most certainly a different game entirely.

    The first few bubbles you come to contain instructional text that guide you into the game play gradually, this is a nice effect and a creative way of educating the player. Also, by forcing the player to move between bubbles, Jared can limit the number of objects onscreen at any given moment, thus keeping the overhead for event processing and collision detection manageable for a game that boasts over 37,000 enemies instantiated when the game begins.

    Beyond that the game becomes a grand adventure of discovery. I particularly enjoyed how the enemies would change gradually, always keeping my interest by giving me something new to encounter before very long. That observation is from moving always in one general direction toward one of the edges.

  6. cantdance, sheehan is a lot better than abramoff
    bushinator10: jb. they actually support it…. the military thinks mission is accomplished
    karen1985mickey: « shipping and handling. its well worth it for the world outside the usa to see it
    koala_girl_2k1: i have lost 2 husbands w/cancer and it is no picnic
    zati123: or delay
    ~LEB BEAUTY~: JB: Isn’t that insane?
    zati123: duke
    zati123: scooter
    ~LEB BEAUTY~: MSJANEY: HI!!!!!!!
    zati123: gonzalez
    wise_49: have arabs fought for this country ?
    zati123: brownie
    zati123: foley
    zati123: haggard
    trg342212000: what kind of self ego make you believe the right thing to do is spent the last two years with your wife running for the Presidency of the United States…..
    talyst: sorry to hear that koala
    zati123: robertson
    ameritas2: metastasized
    zati123: falwell
    jb59377: mack…nonsense…what it does is give the enemy hope of a win…don’t be stupid
    RlCHARD: Reno
    mack_harem: Wise Yes, they’re in the US military RIGHT NOW
    mikegknowsthemightofgodisreal: i would give john edwasrds a look but never hillary she has no class
    RlCHARD: Albright
    RlCHARD: Plosie
    zati123: great party you have therelol

  7. Sharkey, I’ve also been reading since 1999 and appreciate all your spite. Thanks for that. There’s so much crap out there to read now, it’s difficult to find anything worth coming back to daily (other than news & tech aggregators). I’ve quit the daily reads of many other sites but still come here for the humour. No need to keep us posted on the internets, but better, just keep us posted. Thanks again – and yeah, if it hurts, quit it.

  8. I’ve been reading this site for years and it’s in my “daily” favorites folder. Out of all the slime that populates thar interweb, your site is one of the few that is actually worth taking time out of my day to read. Please don’t quit. It would be a waste to let this place die.

  9. Been reading the site on a daily basis and always look forward to it for hilarious videos, hate unlike I’ve ever seen and the blasting of popular culture.

    Keep it together man and keep up the good work.

  10. BAMF isn’t going anywhere. I just became a mod, and am now drunk on power. If BAMF were to shut down, I’d probably have to drive cross country wearing a diaper and come find you.

  11. This has been my homepage since I stummbled across it back in the 90’s. It would be a dammed shame if I had to get off my lazy ass and find another source of rage and anger.

  12. You’d better not stop! Your website is one of the few worth going to! It’s been mine and my bro’s homepage for years. Keep up the good work man!

  13. Sharkey:
    I visit this site daily.
    I read all your posts, follow all (sometimes to my horror) links.
    When your site goes quiet for a while, it bums me out. But I’d be even more bummed if you shuttered this site.

    Even the spambots miss you; there’s more on this thread than normal!

  14. Dude! You just gotta get past Anna Nicole..

    I read this every day, quite often don’t agree with your opinion on sumin bt i’ve been here for bout 6 years now. Thanks and keep going

  15. Sure, you can quit Sharkey. If you want to quit you can quit. Just know that if you quit BAMF I’ll come over there and beat your sorry ass. Hehehe seriously I’ve been reading since ’99 and you should keep it up because there’s so few decent sites left these days…

  16. I’ve been reading for a fairly long while. Been posting in the forums for a damned long time. Started with a gimmick and built something like a name for myself without having to resort to posting in every thread or getting bampersanded for annoying the angry Mods.

    The main page – not the forums – is actually my homepage.

    Do not take away the spite.

  17. dude bamf has been an almost daily read for 5 years now, owed 90% to your writings. Very few other sites have kept my attention, but bamf is just consistently kickass.

    I don’t even use google anymore, I just ctrl-f bamf frontpage and if what i’m looking for doesnt show up, well I guess it wasn’t worth searching for anyways.

    keep on rockin for another 8 years nigga.

  18. fuck people. look out for number one. that is what matters most. take care of your shit and if people cant deal with a few days without a post then they need to get the fuck out and do something.

  19. first time I’ve been back in about 2 years!! Stoked to see BadAss going strong(er8¬)!!! i’ve been online procrastinating (netchavn 🙂 for about 4hrs, 1½ of which I’ve spent here with all dhis badass content!
    BigUpz From the UK.

  20. hey sharkey, i’ll write for ya 🙂 i’ve been visiting since about 2000. bamf is the first e/n site i ever found, and it’s changed my life. keep up the good work buddy. you’re awesome and have stayed true to yourself. i appreciate that.

  21. Been reading for 7 years or so, always thought it was a good website. If your still into it, than keep up the good work and do it at your own pace.

  22. Dude, I feel you. I finally gave up and mirrored (dunno if you remember me, we used to link to each other) to my damn livejournal a few years ago, and now I barely ever even update THAT. Running business + finally getting degree I never got + girlfriend = no time 4 internets.

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