Ocarina Of Time, Neo Geo For Wii Virtual Console

ZELDAAAAAGodammit, we just hooked up the 360 to XBOX Live (and obtained Crackdown), and now Nintendo just has to remind me that I’ve neglected the Wii for 48 hours by releasing more VC news. Apparently Japan is getting the MSX and Neo Geo consoles, as well as a couple of games, Eggy and Aleste. (Gimme SSII and Windjammers) Hopefully Nintendo will get on VC game developers to finally bring some online multiplayer to the virtual console, so I have an actual reason to re-purchase Mario Kart 64.

Oh, and there’s a little kick in the pants to US owners in the article as well:

And in other Virtual Console news, Nintendo’s updated the service with “Warp Zone,” which contains trivia knowledge on the games featured. Simply click on the clearly sadistic smiley face on the main menu to investigate.

Yeah, great, sounds wonderful. Except the fact that we don’t have it in the US… yet. Fucking limey pricks.

Oh and Ocarina of Time is coming to the virtual console on Monday at 9AM PST. If I didn’t already own the N64 and ‘Cube versions of it, I might be inclined to beat it again.

Categorized as Gaming

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Remember to let the Bible interpret the Bible. Always keep its truth simple, and the deceptive ideas of men will fall like a house of cards.

    Here is why the dead have no remembrance of God in the grave.

    Jesus said, “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation [Greek: judgment]” (John 5:28-29).

    Christ understood that most would find this astonishing. That is why He told the disciples to “marvel not at this”—He understood that most people would marvel at the thought that everyone who ever lived is now “in the grave,” awaiting the resurrection! My instruction to you is also to not marvel at Christ’s words. Accept them! He said that “all” are in the grave. He did not say some are there.

    The reason there are no conscious thoughts and no remembrance of God after death is that everyone who has ever died is currently awaiting one of the resurrections to which Christ referred. All people will either be resurrected to eternal life or to judgment. That is what it says.

    No wonder David said, “As for me, I will behold Your face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness” (Psa. 17:15). David understood that the resurrection was an awakening—a coming back to life.

    Like David, Job also looked forward to the resurrection of life. Notice: “O that You would hide me in the grave, that You would keep me secret, until Your wrath be past, that You would appoint me a set time, and remember me! If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. You shall call, and I will answer You” (Job 14:13-15).

    Job did not ask that God would only hide his body in the grave. He asked God to “hide me…keep me…appoint me…remember me.” He also recognized that God would keep him “secret.” Ask yourself how being kept secret would square with being in heaven. If that were the case, God would be pretty poor at keeping secrets and the rest of the verse would make no sense. Now look at the question he asked—“if a man die, shall he live again?” If Job was going to still be alive at death, how could he “live again?” He understood that he would “wait…in the grave” for his resurrection at an “appointed time” when he would be “changed.” What did it mean that he would be changed?

    The apostle Paul wrote of a “change” that will come to all true Christians. Carefully examine I Corinthians 15:51-52, 54: “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump…the dead shall be raised…and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory.”

    It certainly is a mystery to the world that there is coming a change to immortality at the resurrection. How can someone go from “mortal” to “immortal” if they already have an immortal soul? Do you see the foolish logic of men when they ignore plain scriptures of the Bible?

    Just as Job knew that he would be “changed,” David knew that he would “awake,” and Paul knew that Christians will be “changed”—that they will awaken from “sleep”—at the time of the resurrection. At the resurrection, people will literally awaken from death. Do not believe me—believe your Bible!

    Ask yourself: How can people be resurrected if they are already alive as immortal souls? Only the dead, like Christ when He was in the tomb, need to be resurrected. That is the purpose of a resurrection. Do not be fooled by deceivers who say that “the resurrection only applies to the body, since the soul remained alive after death”! You have already seen several scriptures disproving that fallacy.

    Upon even the most basic examination, the ideas of intelligent men are often exposed as outright foolishness. The popular concept of hell was devised by men as a means of scaring people into following the false religion that they had created. The true God would never roast people for all eternity without allowing them to burn up, so that their suffering could mercifully end. This is what a monster would do. Humanly-devised false gods figuratively “do” and “teach” whatever the men who created them have decided.

    Many billions have lived and died without ever knowing the name of Jesus Christ and without ever having an opportunity for salvation. Are we to believe that they are now roasting in a man-made “hell” devised by pagan poets? If the unsaved, upon death, go directly to hell, then well over half the people who have ever lived are there!

  2. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don’t post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved

  3. As Luis and many of you already know, Alien Hominid HD is coming out on Xbox 360 Live Arcade today!

    I’ve heard the release time is 1am PST, 4am EST in the US. I believe AH HD will be a simultaneous global release, so everyone should expect to see it three hours after I make this post.

    One thing I’ve noticed is that despite many NG regulars having a full awareness of the entire history of Alien Hominid, there are still endless Newgrounds visitors who have no idea what the deal is. So here are some quick notes:

    1) Alien Hominid started as a web game here on Newgrounds.

    2) Dan (the artist) and I partnered up with two of Dan’s co-workers to form the Behemoth and create a console version of Alien Hominid.

    3) We built a BRAND NEW GAME from the ground up. Much better than the web version you’ve played here on NG.

    4) We originally released on the PS2 and Gamecube in the US, as well as the PS2 and XBOX in Europe.

    5) The new Xbox 360 Live Arcade version is hi-def and widescreen. Dan’s hand-drawn graphics look REALLY HOT on a big HDTV… This is possibly the highest resolution 2D hand-drawn game ever made! The PDA mini-games and “All You Can Eat” mini-game both feature four player on-line co-op. The main game is two player local co-op.

    6) Alien Hominid HD also features achievements and leaderboards. In fact, we are the first XBLA developer to award tangible trophies to the top leaderboard winners!

    A lot of people might look at Newgrounds and the Behemoth and think we’re these big companies with vast resources, but we aren’t. We’re a small group of guys who work hard and have never received a dime of outside funding. We’re building all this from the ground up and we need your support as much as ever! Be sure to tell everyone you know with a 360 to buy a copy of Aliend Hominid HD asap. 🙂

    It’s only 800 points!

    Even with AH HD being released today, there won’t be any time for celebration on our part… It’s right back to work on projects like Castle Crashers and the infamous NG site redesign. I know it seems like these things take forever, but that’s only because we set big goals for a small team and want to give you guys something really special. I hope everyone who buys AH HD enjoys it! Thanks for all the support these past years! We’re just getting warmed up!

  4. Just a reminder, the username lockdown is happening at the end of today, so this is your last chance to change your name!

    If you aren’t familiar with the lockdown, check out this thread.

    Also, it’s that time of the month! TIME TO VOTE!

    I need to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has purchased Alien Hominid since it was released on Xbox 360 Live Arcade yesterday. Also, thank you to Team XBOX and Killer Betties for the prompt reviews. 🙂

    In other news… Bob (you’ll know his CSS when the redesign launches) has taken up the task of completing The Impossible Quiz (no, this is not delaying the redesign). He has currently reached the 91st question… How far can YOU get?

    If that doesn’t fry your brain, check out the new game by Komix – Rings and Sticks! You need to grow a tree so that the branches poke through the rings on the screen. MIND BOGGLING!

    If you haven’t heard the news about Pico Day, check out this thread! We’re giving out $15,000 in prizes this year and might have some other SPECIAL surprises for the best submissions!

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