Slice Of The Day: Jennylee Burns

Tomorrow night we’ve got some ladies coming over to watch the final episode of this season of “Beauty and the Geek.” While some of these girls are hot, I must concede the fact that they do consist of my girlfriend and her friends, who will occupy my couch while the rest of us drink ourselves stupid at the bar and try to forget the cackling that goes on in the living room. Thankfully, the show has chicks like Jennylee Berns… who was hot and stupid and succeptible to nerd charms. My favorite attributes, minutes unconscious, all rolled into one.

Jennylee Berns Nude

I’m quite sure that Ashton Kutcher has that whole show scripted and set up from the start… which makes me really mad when you consider the fact that Cecille was allowed on that show. If you’re going to make a chick the villain, make her hot. please.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Gotta hand it to you sharkey. Admiting you watch a show like this shows balls. Mind you it does make you less of a man, but at least you can admit it. They need rehab (manditory) for anyone caught watching this kind of shit.

  2. I’ve watched all 3 seasons of this with my fiance. It’s not a bad show. I’m not into many reality shows. But this one i try to catch.

  3. Jussi Kari at ooPixel has just finished a new update to his version of the classic game of the same name, Samegame. And while this is essentially the same game as Samegame, there are some improvements that make this version even more addictive than the original.

    Samegame Hexogonized replaces the familiar colored cubes with hexagons and adds a new bonus item to the usual mix of row and column destroyers, and bombs. Just click on groups of 2 or more same-colored shapes to eliminate them from play. You must remove all shapes from the play field to continue playing and advance to the next level.

    Jussi’s flair for presentation shines through in this version as well. I enjoyed the larger shapes, but I found a couple of annoyances as well. The first complaint I have is with those little white flags that pop-up to tell you how many points a group was worth. Yes, it’s nice to know how many points you’re getting, but after a while I don’t really care. They just got in my way more than they were helpful to me and I wish I could have turned them off completely.

    The other disappointment with the game is there is no sound at all. When the game launches you are greeted with a sparkling gliss effect as the ooPixel logo is displayed; but it’s just a tease since that is all the sound you’ll hear while playing. It’s a shame, too, since the game appears nicely polished in just about every other aspect.

    Same Game Hexagonized for the simple puzzle game fanatic in you. (And for Racci, too.) Click.

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