Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

She only gets this honor because she has once again showed off her nipples in public. Get ready for more Lindsay Lohan.


Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Snazzy new comment system…I see.

    But I so enjoyed seeing world of warcraft backstory spam. It…it completed me.

  2. Multi Theft Auto is looking for experienced coders to work with us to develop the next major version of our very successful online MTA community center website.

    The new community center will take care of the distribution of maps, scripts, gamemodes, etcetera. made by scripters and mappers that use MTA.

    People will be able to download and upload their creations, server administrators can easily download the latest creations to run on their own servers.

    With the next release of Multi Theft Auto, we want to make the MTA community center the core of the experience of both users, content creators and server administrators. Our aim for the map editor is to eventually tie the editor to the new community center, so sharing of maps, gamemodes and other resources will be even easier for our users.

    * Strong knowledge of PHP, at least a year experience
    * Strong SQL (MySQL) knowledge
    * A fair amount of free time over at least the next month

    Optional, but desired:
    * Good knowledge of Javascript
    * Experience developing AJAX applications

    What you get:
    * Knowledge that you’re helping out a good cause
    * Credit
    * Experience

    If you think you can do this, please don’t hesitate to contact us using either the “Contact” link on the left, or by visiting us on our IRC server (send a personal message to any of the developers). Please note that IRC will probably be faster than e-mail.


    -The MTA Team

    by IJs, 41 comment(s)
    Multi Theft Auto gets a new look! – Wednesday 27 December 2006 (14:36)
    You may have already seen the different logo we used on our christmas movie, that was published earlier on. We have decided to use that logo as the new Multi Theft Auto logo.

    Besides another logo, we gave the website an overhaul. We’re now running on a different back- and frontend, which is easier to manage and easier on the eye, as you can see.

    We also decided to integrate the developer’s blog and main news website into one, so all the latest news will be appearing on this page only.

    We hope you like the new design as much as we do 🙂

    By the way, the old front page news and developer blog have been integrated. This means you’ll be able to see all news on this page now.

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