Damn You Steve Jobs!

Previously, the only Apple to get me hard was Fiona. Oh and that one time with the box of Apple Jacks, but I think that was just puberty and bad timing. But now the trend has been cocked up by Steve and his pretentious looking cronies.

Apple TV – HDMI, WiFi, Intel, 40GB (Hard)

Apple Unveils The iPhone (Harder)

If it plays all of the formats that I desire, that Apple TV is going to look pretty slick in my entertainment center. I’ve been plotting to put together a little media center machine for all of these purposes, but laziness (and new game consoles) have deterred me from accomplishing this goal. If Apple wants to charge me $300 to do the whole shebang for me, kudos to them.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HmmBig. Scratchable. Breakable. Screen.For those of us (like myself) who don’t beat the fuck out of our gadgets this will be cool. I pitty the poor fuck who drops this beast tho.Today I like the word Fuck. Can you fucking tell, fucko?

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