Thanks For All The Laughs

As Curly Bill Brocious once said: “Well…… ….. bye.

Who wants to take bets on how long it’ll be before his ghost (or him in Hell) winds up in an SNL skit?

Thanks to all of you who pointed out that my sleeping-pill addled brain had the audacity to misquote Tombstone. Seriously, I’m fucking ashamed of myself.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ( . )( . )His name is spamgol, but his followers call him \”spam,\” leader of warriors. He is well-known as a battle commander of the Orcish horde. As I write this, he declares to me that if I scribe his name it shall contain no capital letters, as he is humble before the gods. He is much like every educated Orc in the fact that he knows his destiny is that of a warrior. Yet, he differs from others in the fact that he knows it is not his race or occupation that makes him a great warrior. It is his knowledge of the lore and history of the races that forces him to war and to preach to others that combat is imminent, and peace will only be found by the end of a lance.These are the words that open each sermon that spamgol gives in every city, town, and village he visits:\”War has been the theme to our lives as has been chaos! You can see I am a proud Orc and of these things I know! War has been in our being since Orcish creation by Einhasad and the great lord of fire Paagrio! Fortunately, others too have learned the art of war. The art of combat and war were not learned only from combat against us, but from asking for our aid and fighting with us.\”After many boos and cheers, yet again his followers fall silent, waiting for his next words.\”Brethren races, which at their inception were meant for peace and politics using great orators and ink to scroll, now use bloody swords and vicious bows to make others heed their words. Yet another race expanded their minds and strove to create math and machine, to rival that of the giants that ruled before us. Yet, this race creates swords and weapons of siege instead. Even the race that was made from the scraps at the table of the gods has today produced great kings that prefer war over peace. In these times weakness can not be tolerated. Peace can only be brought to a world by those that can defend it. \”I call to you! I call to all of you! Form your ranks carefully. Only pick those that will survive, not the chafe that has fallen to the side of the battlefield. Your god, race, and homeland are not important now, for your clan is your family as solace. So I say, FIGHT for your place in this world! Fight to make your clan’s name permanently etched in the scorched earth, for our only peace in this place will come when we are gone and others here remember our valor. So go forth and know that the weak live or die by your hand!\”

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