A Dude Who Wore Capes And Wasn’t 400 Lbs

That was fast.

Two Nights Ago… At A Hollywood Party

Spike Lee: *talking to no-one in particular* “You see, that’s why I’m the greatest. I can write, I can direct, and I can act. And you thought I couldn’t do it because I’m a black man, you cracka ass mothafucka.”

Sycophant: “I beleived in you Mr. Lee.”

Spike Lee: “Shut the fuck up, you honkey bitch. I didn’t get into this business to get props from no kissass punk like you! I did it to show poonjab mothafuckas like M. Night Shyamalan that I can out act they asses any day. Puts his’self in a title role like I do and try to upstage me, huh? We’ll just see about that shit. Next flick, I’m gonna cast myself as Denzel Washington as the next rich dead nigga that comes along. Now that’s a motherfuckin’ surprise ending!”

Sycophant: “Sir, I do believe that James Brown himself died this morning.”

Spike Lee: “I thought I told you to shut that fuckin’ mouth befo… wait… the Godfatha of Soul? Damn son. That’s serious. We need to have ourselves a moment of silence…”

Sycophant: “…”

Spike Lee: “Aight, that’s long enough. Let’s go get me a mothafuckin’ payday!

That’s just what I assume goes on. I’d wager that I’m not far off.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. B=====>it’s kind of funny that tom was just recently mentioning lots of positive energy because i have had a big burst of positive energy too!!!!( make sure you check the previous posts, as they have some importance! congrats to all the NG \”little girl big weapon\” art contest winners! )i had a missed opportunity and i need to make up for it.i was very honored to know that castle crashers is a finalist in the 9th annual IGF (independent games festival) and then I realized something. A PROBLEM! I don’t believe I ever thanked Tom or John when we were up there for the Alien Hominid awards, and I was throwing up at the time of the Dad ‘n Me award so I was unable to say thanks. So I’d like to say those late (AND current) thanks right now in one big bundle.i want to specifically thank Tom Fulp & John Baez for believing in me – both of them have taken big risks that i don’t think i’d even do for myself. my dreams are dependent on people and those dependencies are quite heavy in several areas. it means a LOT to me, so thanks guys! Tom is one of the most talented gameplay programmers i have ever worked with. He knows all the quirks — all the things nobody would really think about that make a game fun. It’s never been quite so fun to bounce ideas back and forth. If Tom never answered those emails to make a flash game I’m not exactly sure what the future would have held but I cannot fathom a cooler path. If he didn’t decide to make newgrounds what it is today then there would be no alien hominid and John Baez would have never seen alien hominid, and there would have been no behemoth formed. Also, if we didn’t have such a great tech crew none of our console games would have been able to take off. I love you Josh, Scott, Brandon, Chip, Mike, Nick…So thanks Tom! You know what? I think everyone else should thank Tom for giving all of us such massive public exposure while he and the NG crew are sweating balls over technical problems/massive hosting bills all so we can all have a much better chance to make our own personal dreams come true.Tom is like an electronic santa this holiday season. He has given away wacom tablets, shirts, and cash prizes. Be on the lookout for wacom tablet prizes later on in 2007 because there’s more in santa’s bag. Be sure to check his post since it is important, as well as STAMPER who we can never forget. Eternal memories of William Stamper.Can you FEEL this positive flow? I feel so much better now, knowing I was able to tell lots of people.

  2. Wtf?Can that even be considered spam? Nothing made sense and it didn’t even advertise anything of value. Except Wacom Tablets? I dunno man, fuck spam. I would prefer this kind of spam on my website because at least it seems as if it’s a person, albeit an insane person.

  3. …its been going on for awhile, some asshat thinks its funny to copy/paste something from another website or wherever and leave it as a comment… all it does it just cause me to scroll down further to read the comments of import.

  4. Spike Lee is a choad.I don’t care that he’s black, his movies still suck ass. There should be a law….all movies about famous, dead, black singers should, hereforthwith, be made starring Jamie Foxx. God knows he’s got no talent of his own as a singer…..might as well act in effigy as somebody who did.

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