1. 15 will get you 20So this is the cheerleader that needs saving? Interesting. Where were these chicks when I was in high school.I don’t watch Heroes, but I gotta hand it to the show, at least they get actors of ‘high school’ age to play….well….high school students. What a concept.I’m sure it’s a good show, but the whole tag line repeated time and again makes me want to see the cheerleader dead just so they’ll shut the fuck up about it already. I guess I’m just tired of all the Lost-esque rip-offs.

  2. I’d hit it. Any chick that has more money or a better car than yourself is automatically legal, once tits and pubes are present and accounted for.

  3. ****Orcs are the largest of the greenskin species. They are bigger, more aggressive, and more muscular than their smaller cousins, the Goblins, Hobgoblins, and tiny Snotlings. Orcs continue to grow throughout their lives and their skin darkens with age. The strongest and most powerful Orcs grow to become Black Orcs, marked by their increased size and darker skin. Orcs are not bright by any means, but they do possess an animalistic awareness of social structure. They are bullies who impose their will on anyone they think is weaker than they. There is nothing an Orc loves more than to fight. If they lack other opponents, they will fight amongst themselves. Such battles are always bloody affairs, for Orcs are fearsome foes, even when wounded. They feel no pain and fear nothing. An especially powerful Orc will rise to the top of his tribe by way of ruthless savagery and victory in personal combat. If he is able to defeat the current Warboss, he will assume that position. If he is especially strong-willed, the new Warboss may be able to lead the entire tribe into Waaagh! while still fending off challenges to his leadership from within. Orcs fight with primitive weapons that are little more than big chunks of scrap metal. They give these weapons such descriptive names as \”choppas\”, \”bashas\” and \”smashas\”, and they wield them with brutal strength.

  4. [email protected]-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitContent-Type: text/htmlSubject: three weeks. acon and eggs is a common breakfastbcc: [email protected], sodium nitrite and phosphates directly into the flesh to speed up the process and add bulk however, this is directly at the expense of flavour. ass produced bacon is held for curing for 6 to 24 hours before being cooked. t is often regarded as inferior, and can06b0d75657f52d3c06b057cd8c14de3e.

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