Hermoine Just Gets Hotter And Hotter

Wow, there’s already a teaser trailer up for Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix. Just goes to show you how much I didn’t appreciate that last flick. Here’s the full teaser trailer.

I’m the only person amongst my group of friends to truly dislike the rushed pace and questionable plotline of Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, mainly because I’m the only person in my group of friends (Bolt included) who neglected to actually read the Goddamned book. However, I did attempt to read “Order of the Phoenix” and I hope that they can do the book justice. Sadly, I doubt this as my friends were delusional about the validity of the last film because they could fill in the mental blanks with information that they had read four years previous.

It’s like a pre-prequels Star Wars fan, except with less explanations or sanity.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. wasteThese ideals have enabled the Confederate Marine Corps and Colonial Fleet to defend Confederate interests along the Galactic Rim for more than two centuries. Marines come from all walks of life, but they are united in their devotion to the preservation of the Confederate way of life.

  2. I love reading childern’s booksI also disliked the rushed pace of the goblet of fire. The next one should be better. Order of the Phoenix is written more like a movie.

  3. graceThe Mass Graves, southwest of Garren’s Haunt, were made to accommodate the…impressive…number of deaths Tirisfal suffered when the Plague first came. The bodies in these graves have so far been spared an undeath, but the Scourge now send Rot Hide Gnolls to gather the corpses and use them to bolster their armies.Per the wishes of Brill’s Magistrate Sevren, your task is twofold: slay the Rot Hides at the Mass Grave and Garren’s Haunt, and gather from them the Embalming Ichor that gives them life.

  4. aboutAlright, I was trying to avoid reviewing this for a while, but I’m going to anyway.First off, six months? You’ve got to be kidding me. This is less than a week’s work for most animators.Filming and converting files: 30 minutesDrawing and animating characters: 8 hours.Adding music and effects: 30 minutes.Exporting and uploading to Newgrounds: 10 minutes.And we’ll throw in some extra time for anything else: 50 minutes.That’s all it would take me and so many other guys I know.And for all those who are gonna say \”why don’t you do it then?\”, cause I don’t want to. It’s a pretty boring movie. Besides, the idea is incredibly unoriginal.Now that we’re through with that, let’s look at this flash movie people are calling \”flawless\”.Obvious flaws I noticed first time I watched it: Your hand goes over the guy on your stomach in several frames. Mistakes like this appear throughout the whole thing.A lot of your movements look like you’re intentionally doing them, not like you’re being forced. Though that could be attributed to you just being a bad actor. The extreme facial expressions were not humerous, but annoying.Your characters are also incredibly easy to draw and animate. To test this theory, I went, drew one, and animated him dancing. It was easy as pie and looked pretty good cause of the simplicity. It took less than fifteen minutes.As for realism, the cartoons didn’t even look like they were touching you, but floating in mid-air. No shadows, no lighting, no shading affected these characters at all. If you had made it look realistic, I could see why that might’ve made so many people like it. But it’s not.When he’s holding the guy, it just looks like his head his balanced on your hand.And your author’s comments are total bull. I can’t belive you’d lie like that.The movie barely lasts two minutes. Two minutes = 120 seconds. At 22 frames per second, that’s only 2640 frames, buddy. Not 500,000 at all.And that includes the twenty seconds you waste drawing the character. And then the characters standing still on the desk. And the multiple times it zooms in on your face to avoid animation. On top of all that, to avoid actually animating, you continually blur things.So in all you perhaps actually drew about forty different pictures and actually animated about two hundred.Unless of course you’re going as far to say that each individual frame on each layer you had counted as a frame. In which case, that’s pathetic. 500,000 frames is hardly an impressive number in that case. Especially if people would stop and realize that half the time only two guys are moving.This is a very shoddy piece.I wish I knew why people find this so entertaining.But they can hardly say it’s flawless and perfect animating.Now here’s some constructive critism, since, despite the score, you need some help there.Spend more time making sure the animation actually looks like a part of the real world. Shadows, lighting, and shading do the trick quite well.Don’t be too overdramatic. It gives the movie a bad flavor.Work with you camera a little more. This is very poor quality filming. Perhaps the shaking added effect, but this is just a little too shaky. Also, work with your lighting so that it doesn’t cast annoying shadows all over or glare in the camera.I hope that helps.You’ve got potential, and if you keep working with this, humble yourself a little, spend more time on a project (if this actually did take you six months, which is an enormous amount of time as it is, take eight months).I liked some parts as well. Like when he’s being dragged into the computer. You did a great job at that, especially when we first see his face.However, rather than panning sideways, perhaps you should have zoomed out. Would’ve been a better and more proffessional effect.I also liked the ‘copy and paste’. Cept Animator vs Animation already did that…I also enjoyed the biting of the head. That was brilliant.And holy cow this is a long review. Gotta go before my characters run out.

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