Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

Another day, another Lindsay Lohan crotch shot.

I appreciate the fact that she completely despises underpants, but could she at least give us one appealing shot so my cock doesnt curl up like the Wicked Witch of the East’s feet after they dropped the fucking house on her.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. theAlthough the Protoss were originally divided into several warring tribes, they were united by a single scholar/philosopher known as Khas, or \”he who brings order\”. Having studied the archaic, forbidden teachings of his ancestors, this mystic unearthed ancient, monolithic artifacts known as the Khaydarin Crystals. The power contained within these crystals — along with his teachings — are apparently responsible for the strengthening of the primordial, psychic link that all Protoss share. Khas also developed a strict religious, philosophical, and social structure christened the Khala. Under the Khala — which translates roughly to Path of Ascension — the Protoss have abandoned the crude tribal factions that led them into generations of vicious blood feuds and have instead created three castes: The Khalai (artisans and inventors), The Templar, (warriors and explorers) and The Judicator (administrators and leaders).

  2. She leaves trails…….like little snails.Her cars must smell like 3 day old salmon. Bleeaach! At least she doesn’t have to put oil treatment on the leather.

  3. Why Sharkey why?Normally a posting such as this should bring joy to your faithful minions…but this is cruel and inhumane. I ask this simple question: is it your intention to make us all violently ill?

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