Remnants Of The Bubble

Google Acquires Youtube For $1.65 Billion.


Google Inc. said Monday it’s buying No. 1 Internet video sharing Web site YouTube Inc. for $1.65 billion in stock. The deal is regarded as a largely defensive one that leapfrogs Google into a leading role in a burgeoning Internet marketplace. Moreover, the Google/YouTube deal highlights how Google and other Internet companies are betting heavily on video to attract more customers and generate more advertising revenue. Indeed, many analysts chiming in on the deal Monday suspect Google’s competitors will now seek to buy YouTube-wannabes in order to keep pace with their rival. On Monday, the boards of directors of both Google and YouTube approved the terms of the deal, which was announced after the market closed for the day.

… 2 owners. Just over 60 employees.

Fucking billion.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. That’s a lot of moneyYou know if you counted to a billion out loud, that alone would take 40 something years… a billion.Yep, Google will soon dominate the entire world. Well, them and Microsoft.

  2. YouTube Board of Directors?Seriously? That’s got to be a sightly crew of net-nerds and computer geeks. Just think, with the billion scheckles they’re gonna get, maybe now they can move out of their parent’s basement.Really, though, I’m glad Google is ponying up the cash for them. I would have hated to see some fucking bloated \”media\” conglomerate suck them up. I wonder what’s going to happen with the rumors of copyright lawsuits now that Google owns them. Google has boatloads of cash and probably enough lawyers to fend off just about anything.

  3. a billion outloudactually, if you average a number a second [less realistic as you get closer to a billion, of course], it will only take about 32 years.also, i wish i’d been born with more computer science genes. i could be a billionaire. that’s mind blowing.

  4. Yea Baby!!1.65 Fucking Billion!!!….Hot Chicks, Bling, Expensive Rides, Jet Aircraft, Entourage, Security Personal….Fuck those 2!!!!!! LOL

  5. GooTube?While i agree that it could have been purchased by a far less worthy company, this kind of oneupmanship in the IT field is getting crazy now.To be honest, i’m kinda surprised Apple didn’t buy it, since it looks like a majority of the good videos (ie not windows movie maker) were Final Cut productions.

  6. ‘;,./Look if anyone doesn’t like this video then shut up and don’t post negative comments! You know who you are i’m talking to you! You don’t like it, then go and ride the freakin’ ride! I didn’t force you to watch it!

  7. googleI’m tellin ya. Only a matter of time before ya see google OS. Silly bastards are gonna fuck Bill Gates in his ass sooner or later. Hopefully he’s alive to feel it.

  8. GoodI really wish they were still in San Francisco because they are one of the only big companies that I would want to work for. I want to see Google shut Microbitch out of the game.

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