Back In Blechh

Nothing like arriving at home, realizing that you forgot to put a parking pass in the car, and then having to foot a $450 towing/storage bill.

Then again, our new TV arrived while I was away, so I’m now posting this while sitting in front of 62″ of high-definition glory. Tragically, I no longer have any excuse for not purchasing an Xbox 360 and a subscription to Xbox Live. This means that Captain Terror will finally get what he’s been asking Santa for going on two years: a serious online beatdown courtesy of yours truly.

As for the trip, I had an excellent time. After being assured that next year’s visit will come after the house is wired for broadband, I can say with all confidence that I’ll truly enjoy going up there for many years to come. There’s something to be said about being able to take a walk for miles and not encounter another human being, just for a little while. My sister and I decided to traverse the mountain that encompasses a large portion of the property, which was no easy task. It’s a fairly steep incline that consists mainly of loose terrain, pokey trees and jagged rocks. Thankfully, there’s a fire road that leads back down the damned thing, otherwise I would have had to murder my sibling and use her corpse as a makeshift sled. Here are a couple of pictures so you can get the basic idea.

So just imagine me, whatever you think I look like, peering down upon all creation with contempt. The place is pretty amazing, but if you’re not the kind of person who can stand peace, quiet, and non-city living (my girlfriend discovered that she is definitely not) then this is a vacation filled with excruciating boredom and anxiety. For a guy who is excruciatingly bored and anxious back home, it was a welcome change of pace for a few days. Next time I hope to use a lot more of the destructive machinery lying around the farm, (is it a farm if they don’t grow or raise a damned thing?) before I become too old to truly enjoy the simple pleasures of chainsawing the bejeezus out of everything in sight.

…oh, and here’s the TV. I don’t expect I’ll move much this week.

You never really appreciate softcore porn until you’ve seen those boobies rendered at 150% of their real life size.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I gotz one too…I got a 62 inch DLP Mitsubishi and Its the shit. Watching High def shows like CSI Miami, football, and late night shows to see celebs in all their gory detail is a revelation of epic poportions. Watching HD PBS is cool in a nerdy kinda way. P.S. I just watched Stick It on dvd, even though its not in HD i still felt like a pervert watching chix in leotards prancing around in all their magnified glory.

  2. Bring it on!Still waiting for you to get that 360. Played till Midnight with GreatMightyPoo, Stanton and Handsome Rob. But alas, no Sharkey. There he sits. Cock in hand in front of Porn in 62 inch glory. Call me when you are done.

  3. Bring it on!Still waiting for you to get that 360. Played till Midnight with GreatMightyPoo, Stanton and Handsome Rob. But alas, no Sharkey. There he sits. Cock in hand in front of Porn in 62 inch glory. Call me when you are done.

  4. 62 inchesI have a friend whose parents bought a big screen tv years ago, and the first thing his brother did was flip over to the porn, hoping to see the girls larger than life.It wasn’t 62 inch boobies he ended up seeing…

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