Well Now I Have A Refreshing Mint Flavor!

Like many others, I was quite disappointed in the cancellation of Mystery Science Theater 3000. But then a few weeks ago, Bongweasel informed me that Mike J Nelson was ressurrecting the spirit of the show in a new format, called RiffTrax. RiffTrax are cheap downloadable mp3 formatted audio tracks that you listen to while watching the appropriate DVD. This pretty much throws out any issues with troublesome licensing fees and lawsuits, in exchange for a slight bit of user annoyance. The Trax are between $2-3, which is a pretty good deal. Especially if you are into internet piracy, which as we all know is the mailroom level in the pirate corporate lifestyle.

Mike’s site also pointed out that you can watch Night Of The Living Dead for free on Google Video, so don’t say I never give you anything. And if you’re literate enough to read beyond the SOTD post level, you might want to try Nelson’s Mind Over Matters, which is excellently random and simultaneously hilarious. I just found out that his fiction novel, Death Rat! has also been published, so I’ll have to check that out as well.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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