Don’t Call Him Tech Support

I volunteered to stick around and wait for a Comcast technician to come down and install a cable modem at my girlfriends place this morning. Boy oh boy am I glad I did that. The tecn was scheduled for 9AM, and promptly arrived right on time at 11:05. I sat around playing Sim City on the old SNES I brought over (3D games make the girl sick) and after about 2 years of commerce had passed, he loudly lamented that he was not getting any “Internet through Internet Explorer.” At this point he called the support line, and I went along my merry way.

After another few years of development and muffled Spanish cursing on his part, I decided to pay a bit more attention. He stepped away from the machine and stated that it was a shitty thing to happen on his third day on the job. Great. He also informed me that he was not a “computer kinda guy” but that he was well informed on the “basic stuff.” Basic stuff being checking the internet options, and clearing the temporary internet files, which was useless considering that the computer was just purchased a week ago and had never experienced the vast tubes of the interweb.

I’ll spare the really technical details, but long story short: it didn’t get fixed. Things chugged along nicely after I jumped into the fray, but tech support for some reason will not provide adequate support to their technicians due to the fact that they are supposed to be well equipped to handle such emergencies on their own. This one was not. I became aware of this fact when the fellow turned the machine on, stared at the windows background for a few seconds, bent down to check the network cable and asked “is your computer on bro?”

“You mean the big black box humming next to you which is broadcasting the image that you are currently looking at onscreen?”


…. “Yes. I believe it is on.”

Eventually I just told the guy to take off. I can handle it better than he can, and according to him, tech support will treat me far better as I am an actual customer. He attempted to “trick those fuckers” (his words) by calling and pretending to be a customer at one point, but was stalled when asked for a social security number. Despondent, he admitted to the operator “Yeah, I’m a technician hommes.” Rather than debate this statement, I just sent him on his merry way. Four hours of my morning down the drain and I have a non-functional cable modem to show for it. Good to see that Time Warner’s takeover of Comcast did not cause any ill effects on their level of service.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. no surprisehaving to wait over 2 months for time warner to install cable in a private house in NYC, only to be greeted with incompetant installers (outsourced btw), it’s no surprise that anything they’re affiliated with is pure shit.

  2. GOOD GOD, MAN! READ!RTFA man… \”Good to see that Time Warner’s takeover of Comcast did not cause any ill effects on their level of service. \” Last god damn line.

  3. You’re first mistake…..Was calling Comcast for broadband. They are the sole reason why I stick with DSL. That company is a bunch of tards.

  4. FIOSIf you can get FIOS from Verizon. 15 down and 2 up for 44/month. Adelphia was bought by Time Warner and Comcast. They are shifting their territories all over the place as part of that deal. Adelphia customers have extremely old technology that Comcast and Time Warner are going to upgrade. But I have to say you should get FIOS!!! On they are by far the highest rated ISP out there. I have had it for 3 months now and it is GREAT!!! The install guys were extremly good and put cables and the boxes where I wanted them. They were really polite and excellent for the instal.

  5. Oh no.I’m actually on the phone with Comcast right now, and I have an appointment between 1-5PM. How the fuck can you give someone a 4 hour window on a Friday afternoon?Anyway, he best fix my digital cable.

  6. Adelphia…HAAdelphia sucks hairy monkey balls. My inlaws in western PA have them. Let me tell you this too, don’t hold your breath on Comcrap upgrading any of the infrastructure that Adelphia has had, or inherited, for the past 20+ years. Fios would be the shit if you can get it. I live in the burbs of Philly and it’s just starting to branch out around here. I know people that have it and it’s the friggin bomb diggity. I hope we all can get fiber soon. Especially since I make fiber products for a living…….a bit of a vested interest.Co-ax won’t be able to beat the bandwidth of glass for very long.

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