Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

Man oh man, Lindsay Lohan has some excellent milksacks. She just had to go ahead and give us a preview of them while getting into her car, so… enjoy.

Seriously, she’s going to wind up a big fucking coke whore and she’s about as useful as Lance Armstrong’s other nutsack, but holy crap do I love looking at Lindsay Lohan in compromising situations. Hopefully she decides to take this Paris/Lindsay rivalry to the next level, and put out a bigger, longer, better sex tape than her blonde slut counterpart.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. eeehhhSigh, I’m glad Mean Girls immortalized her once-fine tits for future needs because she’s going down the Britany path much faster than Kate Moss does 4 lines of coke.

  2. hm.she does have okay boobs, even if they are a bit shamefaced. but really, the boobs are it for her. she looks disgusting now days. i liked it better when she was a big chubbier and didn’t look like a wasted bag of bones. check out the full picture of her boob slip. her feet and legs look oddly disproportional. and her limbs are too thin. it’s disgusting. she needs to eat like, ten more meals a day before i’d consider hitting it. she’d bruise too easy.unless you like that.

  3. Yeah, right!Holy buzzkill, Batman! I haven’t seen a tit-shot this horribly wrong since Janet Jackson \”graced\” us with that god-awful 2 second shot of her worn-out mellon….or Tara Reids little malfunction, for that matter. WTF, man, really? Boner-time? Seeing this picture is like jumping into Lake Ontario in February. Who in god’s greenest hell is getting excited over this?

  4. Excuse meShark-Man, i thought we were over this broom-Handle and had moved on, so much more out there to look at, lets end this Fetish!!

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