Games Facilitate Darwinian Effects

No, this isnt the guy who died, he's a very frequent reviewer on He obviously does not get laid. Your goals should be the exact opposite of his, understand? Get into the Goddamn gym.I’m sure that by now you’ve heard about the jackass who died after playing videogames for 86 hours straight. If you hadn’t, however, let me take a moment to fill you in on the details… *ahem* a jackass died after playing videogames for 86 hours straight. Happy now? *sigh* …oh fine, you big babies.

A 24-year-old South Korean man died after playing computer games nonstop for 86 hours, police said yesterday.

The jobless man, identified by police only by his last name Kim, was found dead at an Internet cafe in Kwangju, 260 kilometres southwest of Seoul, they said.

Quoting witnesses, police detective Oh Myong-sik in Kwangju said the man had been virtually glued to the computer since late last Friday and had no decent sleep and meals.

There, happy now? Life enriched because you read that little snippet? Fantastic. Now where were we?

Ah yes, the Korean taking a Starcraft related dirt nap. Anyway, I’m surprised that I’m hearing so much in the way of sadness regarding this story. I mean seriously, did we really need people like this mucking up our existence? The guy had no job, and a predeliction towards gaming that didn’t just border, but pissed upon the realm of “dangerous”. And now I’m hearing Internet geeks moaning about how “hardcore” this chap must have been to sit on his ass playing games for over three days without food or sleep. C’mon now kids, we all like to pretend we’re hardcore, but at some point your pathetically overweight ass has to shuffle home for some much needed microwave burritos and a little self love. Otherwise you’ll start to remember what a worthless pox on society you are and decide to prematurely shuffle off this mortal coil. While I do support this for those of you with no redeeming qualitites, I’d like to think that your tubby asses could at least serve as nutrition for the starving, hard-working citizens of Africa or something.

Honest to God. Go here right now. If you still feel like drinking Mountain Dew and playinjg Counter Strike until your eyeballs bleed, go seek some counseling. Not sexual or mental counseling, I mean the kind where self-induced arsenic poisoning is involved.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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