More Hoff

I thought the bastard could fly though…

As soon as I saw those blinking KITT lights, I prayed for the button to come into play. And lo, God did heed my humble request.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Oh dear lordPlease remind me why the Jerrys deify Hasselhoff. The video is a perfect example of what not to do as an aspiring singer/entertainer.

  2. Knight RiderI still love the cheesy show though. (I should’ve written this in my initial post.) Meh…boredom

  3. hmmm.i’ve never understood the musical appeal of hasselhoff. but the germans love him, you know. i’ve never done my research, but for some reason i assume he’s an american born german descendant, but the germans love him none the less. check out the song \”du\” for more of this. if you speak any german (it’s only in very- VERY- basic german) you’ll see how lame he is. in TWO languages.gets me every time. p.s. this song is confusing. get in my car, get out of my car, give me head, don’t swallow, spit… god. what does he want?!

  4. Hrm.I don’t know which is more disturbing…. The Hoff™ picking up teenage chicks, or the right-hand drive KITT…. RHD KITT. That’s just plain wrong.On the flip side though, you gotta wonder if The Hoff™ doesn’t look at himself in the mirror every morning and wonder how the hell he keeps pulling this stuff off.

  5. Am I the only person who thinks this shit is awesome?It’s not as good as \”Hooked on a Feeling\” but my god, what is? Seriously, the guy brings the lol every time he sings.

  6. acewell i can honectly say that there is no better way of waking up than to something so bloody hilarious as the Hoff, especially a vid as badly made as that one

  7. wtfMy jaw kept dropping open further and further. And then the last 30 seconds came and awesomeness entered the picture.

  8. WowSo good! BTW, did anyone else hear ‘We know your gay’ instead of ‘We know your game’ the first time through?

  9. Wait> So good! BTW, did anyone else hear ‘We know your gay’ instead of ‘We know your game’ the first time through?You watched it more than once?

  10. lolThat video is great just for \”Hot Cup Of Hoffy\” poster in the BG.I’m going to be using that for weeks!

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