Smokey And The Jesus

So last week I did a favor and went down to this Catholic school (K-6, hot!) to help them out. As I walked into the teacher’s lounge area, I paused at a particular image of Jesus with a group of children. I stood there for a few seconds staring, trying to comprehend what I was seeing.

I had to snap a photo. Maybe it was the fact that I’d just watched The Longest Yard two weeks ago, but I definitely see the divine presence in this imagery. I can almost hear the conversation.

Child: “Jesus, why do you let bad things happen to good people?”
Jesus: “Yeah, that’s not my name.”
Child: *sighs* “OK…. Turd Ferguson.”
Jesus: “HA HA! Heh, yeah, whadd’you want?”

Heh, dammit, now I want to watch Celebrity Jeopardy. Here’s that particular episode I was quoting, just in case you need it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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