If He Has To Be Reborn, He’s Crackin’ Skulls

Rest in peace, Paul Gleason.

Now that all of the authoritative executors of scholastic discipline throughout 80’s movies (my formal training for all things in life) have passed on into the next realm, I fear that I may run amok in a fit of egotistical freedom and angst.

…oh, I guess I do that regardless. Carry on.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Belding…was more 90s. I think the show started at the end of ’89, but nobody really paid attention until they got out of jr. high. And no! Strickland is NOT dead. Although I’ve always thought of the Back to the Future series as just… a series rather than putting a time to it, I guess you’re right. The guy dispensed thousands of nickels worth of free advice to slackers everywhere.

  2. Ed RooneyJeffrey Jones (Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) isn’t dead, just a child molester. And apparently still finding work. Maybe he was just alleged to have done that.

  3. Dammit!I was coming in to mention Strickland. Any principal who wields a shotgun and hates slackers is a damn worthy principal.

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