Don’t Get Cocky, It’s Gonna Get Rocky…

Sony’s Reeves: We Don’t Even Need Games To Sell This Bitch

When Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves admits that “key launch titles” will slip into 2007 he also admits that to Sony, it doesn’t really matter what ships at launch.

“We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn’t have games,” Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview. During the same interview, Reeves admits that Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and Formula One will all see release in early 2007 within the PS3 “launch window.” Insomniac’s gritty World War II shooter (with aliens) Resistance: Fall of Man will be there at launch according to Reeves.

You know what, he’s totally right. I mean after all, Nintendo ran the market for two straight generations, and when the N64 debuted it dominated the… oh wait. Well how about Atari when they released… oh…. well it certainly couldn’t happen with Sony. The PS3 has motion sensors in the controls! Motion! Sensors!

In all seriousness though, the PS3 will probably sell by the assload, in Japan at the very least. Unfortunately for the big S, they’re going to need some sort of killer app to get purchasing dollars from their key demographics. I still haven’t bought an Xbox 360, not for lack of disposable income, but because there’s nothing on it that I need to play. But the Wii has already impressed me enough that I’ll be holding a presell ticket on launch day, by which point I’m sure I’ll own the aforementioned Microsoft hardware. I can’t say for sure that I need a PS3 at launch, and that’s the first time I’ve felt this way for a Sony game console. Ever.

Who would have guessed a month ago that public interest in the US would have swayed this drastically?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HahahahahaIt just keeps getting better and better. The pretty much failed proprietary disc media (MD), failing proprietary flash media (memory stick), rootkit, the mediocre PSP, and now the PS3.Bwahahahahahaha!

  2. Reeves is rightThis time around, the fact its a Blu-Ray player will make people at least THINK about buying it if there’s a decent feature-set available. Hey Gene, the MD is a good format, and nobody with an ouce of brains will argue that Beta wasn’t superior to VHS. Okay, so the idea of PSP movies was kinda short-sighted…distributing movies on propriatary media that’s use for one portable game device?

  3. PSPI love my PSP. Love. But the title selection is… lacking. Time will probably fix that, but at the moment Nintendo DS has my attention. Which I never thought I’d say.

  4. MDI own a MiniDisc player, it’s a solid device (as in sturdiness) and the audio quality is great. Unfortunately the software for it blows and it’s a pain to get music loaded on it.MD has failed in the US and most everywhere execept for Japan.

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