Slice Of The Day: Audrey Tautou

That cute little french chick from Amelie is going to be in The DaVinci Code, which might be the first flick I actually see in theaters this year.

…God it’s been a sad year for movies. Anyway, on to Audrey Tautou

I heard that she’s going to quit acting because she’s been getting “too famous.” I wonder if that chick who played Nadia in the American Pie flicks also feels that her “star power” is burning too brightly?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. what do you mean?she’s been in SO many movies. i mean, mostly french, but i think the point is that people know her as like the only french actress in existence. i work at a video store, and you should see how many people check out shitty french movies just because she’s in them and they liked amelie. and because she’s hot as hell, i’m sure, but i can understand that. everyone thinks it’s cool to use her as a name drop because it means they’ve watched a foreign film. ooo, look how intelligent they are!

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