They Shoulda Nevah Gave You Niggas Money!

It’s been a five year joke in Hollywood that Chris Tucker is the actor with the highest price tag possible. A joke, because since he slapped that $25 million clearance tag on his chest, he hasn’t had a single fucking job. Not one. And it seemed like his IMDB profile would stay stuck at Rush Hour 2 (2001) until Jesus called him home, which considering the grosses on that particular film, wouldn’t be such a bad fate.

Until now, that is.

Did you see the reports last week that “Rush Hour 3” was on track at New Line?

The initial stories said that star Chris Tucker had signed on the dotted line for $20 million. But I can tell you that it was more — $25 million, in fact. That may make him and Will Smith the two highest paid actors in the world, with Tucker having a slight advantage.

Before those movies, he had small parts in “Jackie Brown” and “Money Talks,” two 1997 releases. He also appeared in 1997’s “The Fifth Element.”

Wow. He totally doesn’t deserve that kind of cheddar, but kudos to him for actually pulling this crazy fucking scheme off.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. So NowThe two highest paid actors in hollywood are black (him and Will Smith). Can we get a stop to the whining about discrimination in the movies?

  2. RiiiightSo the two highest paid actors in Hollywood are black and 99% of the next 2,000 highest paid actors aren’t. No discrimination at all!

  3. Did I misread?By saying the grosses on RHour 2 were as such, do you mean very very high or very very low? I thought that film made buckets of cash?

  4. Grosses…were phenominal. Best gross for a comedic film ever. There was no sarcasm meant when I said that the death of his career wouldn’t be a bad thing. The motherfucker is sitting on a pile of cash.

  5. Chocolatey!He was good in Dead Presidents, other than that he’s terrible and NOT funny and certainly doesn’t deserve 25 mill.WTF is wrong with the United States when someone can make 25mill for a very little effort making a stupid, boring movie but your teachers barely know how to teach. When some steroid-laden jock idiot is praised as a hero and yet you Americans still have to pay for all of your Healthcare. Maybe if Americans didn’t invest all their money in stupid ventures like professional sports, and OBVIOUSLY crap movies like Rush Hour 3, you would be in a better socioeconomic climate right now. How many hospital beds can you buy for 25 million dollars? How many poverty-stricken children could have breakfast in the morning for 25 million? Oh well. Not my country.Canada only watches Hockey and if you’ve seen a Canadian film before, ya know we’re but putting much money in them.Thats it. I’m done. Cheers!

  6. HahaNo it doesn’t. I work for a hospital in Ontario.And \”chocolately\” was the name of the post, not my name. You have proven me right on the American education thing.-jason420

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