Snake? Snake?!? SNAAAAAAKE! *bang*

Next-gen technology, sweet lighting demos, and the occasional bodily fluids joke. Now that’s what I call a tech demo.

Wii need more cowbell.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. and THIS is the Wii?So this is a wii demo and not a ps3 thing? Wow. So much for me thinking the hardware wasn’t gonna be up to par.

  2. It’s not Wii, it’s PS3!It’s a PS3 demo. Sharky was a bit unclear with his post. But, I want me a Wii!

  3. Easy…Shit i could code that in a weekend…So desu ne!!!I think the woman was actually masturbating off camera from some of her comments.

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