You’ll Just Be Blazed

Every once in awhile, I get the esteemed privilege to bring you something unbelievably amazing. Today is one of those days. Do not fucking miss this.

And while I’m pretty sure this website isn’t his, it still features some excellent mp3s. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that dude in the top right poster from some shitty 80’s karate flick?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. mah nigga!yo tha shiz id like da bomb sonrofl.somone call vanilla ice and pair’em up with this wank-yanker.

  2. He’s *worse* than Vanilla Ice. This is really. Really bad. To the point where Im’ watching it thinking, \”There is no way this shit can be real.\”

  3. What the Mc-Christ?It took ridiculous willpower not to stop watching.Jesus. Christ.There is literally no one in the world I don’t hate right now.

  4. Blazin’ flowWhile it’s highly likely that this is intended as a spoof; it also could be a lame attempt by a youth pastor or motivational speaker to garner street cred amongst the youth.

  5. hep me…I wonder if he went into porn. He seems like the kind of guy who’d go into porn. Maybe it’s the shaved chest and the mullet. Oh god, I hope I haven’t seen his taint in one of those tasteful DP porns that float around the internet. I guess he’d be showing off that \”fruit loop\”.

  6. Yes..thats… really … \”marketable\”. I’m sure there are kids all over america saying \”well you know.. I wish there was an average \”middle class\” rapper, rapping about how middle class he is\”……..

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