Texas Stops Messing With Itself

Texas Halts Controversial In-Bar Arrests – Another smart move. The bad press shitstorm was pretty overwhelming.

A controversial Texas program to send undercover agents into bars to arrest drunks has been halted after a firestorm of protest from the public.

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has “temporarily suspended” what it called “Operation Last Call” even though it still believes it was worthwhile, commission spokeswoman Carolyn Beck said on Thursday.

I thought that drunkened hee-hawin’ was a rite of passage in Texas. Don’t they make moonshine down there too? I hold Bongweasel personally responsible for all of this bullshit, as he is now our Texas MoFo representative. I would say that Bud is our ambassador for all Texan things boozaholic, but the man is married with a child now, not to mention being 1000 miles away. The guy may as well buy a plot and a headstone and lie down in the casket at this point.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. douchebagsThe fucktards at the TABC fined a guy $500 and hauled his off to jail for getting hammered at the bar in the hotel he was staying at. Shit next they were going to come into your house and arrest your ass.

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