Hit That Baby One More Time

MeeeemoriiiiiiesPoor Britney, she’s had a rough week. First she didn’t even place on FHM’s 100 sexiest women list, then her husband continued breathing every day, and now her baby’s skull is fractured following a fall from his high chair. If the little bastard wasn’t guaranteed to be retarded based on genetics alone, I’d feel a lot more sympathy.

On April 7, when Britney Spears and Kevin Federline realized that their baby, Sean Preston, had been sleeping more than usual, panic bells went off. Just six days earlier, the 7-month-old had taken a major fall from his high chair, a tumble that had his parents worried that he might have been critically injured.

They had every right to fret. After rushing Sean to a nearby hospital, they discovered he had a minor skull fracture (sometimes called a “scalp fracture” in babies), and a blood clot. And the doctors weren’t the only ones to take notice! The next day, the Department of Children and Family Services began looking into the incident.

Oh, it gets worse for poor Britney from there. Seems that Child Protective Services had to pay her a visit regarding baby Sean’s tumble. According to the report, it’s a pretty standard routine and has no bearing on Brit/KFed’s parenting abilities. Although isn’t this the second time they’ve had to be alerted to the white trash antics of this upper class family? I wonder if they get a free coffee mug on their third report?

I endangered my child’s existence and all I got was this lousy coffee mug.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. …wait…who was feeding the little shit when this happened?i mean are we really supposed to believe this stupid bitch hasnt hired some mexican or other \”latino\” as a full time baby-sitter?guess it doesnt really matter, after all ether way you go that kids going to turn out more fucked up than michael jackson.

  2. now wait…if this kid took a \”major fall\” form a HIGH chair, wouldn’t it make sense to take the kid to the hospital then and not wait until he starts showing smpytoms of something serious? America seriously needs to start making people take a test to make sure they’re fit to be parents. What fucking retards. I hope DCYF takes the kids away and locks them up, if for nothing else, just because they’re fucking stupid.

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