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Posts that write themselves #253: [ Hasselhoff says he hit ‘rock bottom’ ]

“I once thought about writing a book called ‘The Minibar and Me,”‘ he said. “(I’d be) social drinking, having fun — and damn, I’d just have a blackout.”

After his one-day stint at Betty Ford in June, Hasselhoff checked into a hotel in a T-shirt and shorts, the magazine said, and began to drink from a minibar full of rum, cognac, beer and wine, leading to his hospitalization the next day.

“I woke up going, ‘This is rock bottom,”‘ he said.

In case you were wondering, the picture to the above right is indeed what most would consider “rock bottom”. Not to be confused with the following picture, which most would consider to be the pinnacle of any career.

When you’re peakin’, those low times seem like a whole universe away, don’t they Dave?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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